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该团正接受检阅。The regiment is on parade.

他被派往一个团。He was posted to a regiment.

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我们是联邦愚联队英文怎么说?We are the EF baka regiment.

该团在行军中。The regiment is on the march.

该团由一支铜管乐队引导。A brass band led the regiment.

他开小差逃离他所在的团。He deserted from his regiment.

委派他赴一新团任职。He was gazetted to a new regiment.

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他们从团里开了小差。They deserted from their regiment.

你是我团的不名誉。You are a dishonor to our regiment.

这团被派驻在希腊。The regiment is stationed in Greece.

同时,罗马尼亚第15防空炮兵团也成立了。Also the 15th AA Regiment was created.

这个团被调往前线。The regiment was ordered to the front.

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断指团执行人自。Break a regiment performance person from.

他们将一个师整编成为一个团。They reformed a division into a regiment.

沃尔多是第27步兵团的士兵。Waldo is with the 27th Infantry Regiment.

中国建立空中骑兵军团。China has established air cavalry regiment.

他的儿子是骑兵团的一名战士。His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment.

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我团因为你的行为而蒙羞。Our regiment was disgraced by your conduct.

这位军官今天上午派遣了一个团的兵力。The officer detached a regiment this morning.

这个团于战争结束时被遣散了。At the end of the war the regiment disbanded.