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植物经过长期乾旱之后乾枯得如同火绒一般。The plant is as dry as tinder after this long drought.

植物经过长期干旱之后干枯得如同火绒一般。The plants are as dry as tinder after this long drought.

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在万能火柴发明之前,人们用的是火绒匣。Before the strike anywhere match was invented people used tinder boxes.

做这事的人希望看到战争,这个要人的死会成为导火线。For those who wish to see war, this man's death could light the tinder.

棉布袜还可以提供点火用的火绒。Cotton socks can also provide you with a source of fire-starting tinder.

然而,今天,焦躁的卓尔们就像是一堆等待小小火星的干柴。Today, however, the volatile drow were like dry tinder awaiting the slightest spark.

太阳炙烤下的意大利南部,大火蔓延,被晒干了的树林和田地都成了。In sunbaked southern Italy, fires raged as parched forests and fields turned to tinder.

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天哲公司提供各种牌号灰铁、球铁、合金铸铁、铸钢和合金钢等铸件。TINDER can provide alloy casting, gray iron casting, ductile iron casting, and, steel casting etc.

他称也门为一个易燃的盒子,会演变成一个城市战争,基地组织会获利的战争。He called Yemen a "tinder box" that could spark into a civil war that al-Qaida would take advantage of.

火石与钢摩擦后产生火花并点燃一小片火绒。They would strike a spark off the friction between flint and steel and catch a tiny piece of tinder alight.

在开发注汽锅炉时,要步及到接近临界状态的水和蒸汽性质的计算。During the design of injected gas boiler, the character of water and steam tinder critical state needs calculating.

说来就是装打火石,烟叶,纸片等易燃物的盒子。谁让那时还没有火柴呢?Tinder Box contains very combustible fibers which will smolder when a steel spark is struck on it by a piece of Flint.

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在欧洲,保持钢、火石和火绒的化合物作为点火的主要方法一直持续到19世纪中期。In Europe, the combination of steel, flint and tinder remained the main method of fire-lighting until the mid 19th century.

随着沙漠之风圣阿纳斯的移动,大火靠着燃烧干燥的小灌木继续蔓延,加州刚刚度过了一个炎热的夏季和创纪录的干旱。The fires, fanned by desert winds called Santa Anas, are being fueled by tinder -dry brush following a hot summer and record drought.

这次火种采集采取了中西合壁的方式,象征着全世界青年共同拥有朝阳。The collecting tinder adapts a good combination of Chinese and Western elements. This symbolizes the young people of the world sharing the rising sun.

通过实例计算,在无隔板的情况下,油井的打开程度都较小,产量也较小。However, the case study show, that tinder barrier-free condition the perforated degree is used to being lower and resulting in lower flow rate of well.

喷涂场所内严禁明火,禁止火种进人工作场地,禁止穿带铁钉的鞋人内。Prohibit using the fire directly in spray coating location. Do not let the person with iron nail on his shoes. Prohibit taking tinder into the work location.

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他们无法获得足够的淡水、电力、卫生和保健,他们所受的困苦常常成为社会动乱的火种。Lacking adequate provision of fresh water, electricity, sanitation or health care, they suffer privations that all too often provide the tinder for the fires of social unrest.

除了装有轻巧的塑料信号镜、精心设计的哨子、可单手使用的打火石外,每个救生包中还有一个特种火源——即所谓的WetFire。In addition to packing lightweight plastic signal mirrors, well-designed whistles and flints that can be used one-handed, each kit contains a special type of tinder called WetFire.

部分官员担心,如果美联储行动过于迟缓,那麽央行为抗击严重信用冻结而注入到金融市场的资金将成为引发通胀的导火线.Some officials worry money the central bank has pumped into financial markets to counter a paralyzing credit freeze could end up as dry tinder for inflation if the Fed waits too long.