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继续争论是无益的。It is profitless to continue arguing.

我们为什么要花如此多的时间在这无益的事情上?Why should we spend so much time on the profitless matter?

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但是如果用户不来我们搜索引擎搜索的话我们将无利可图。But we will be profitless if if the user does not come, we search engine.

赔本的高利贷者,为什么浪用那么一笔大款,还不能过日子?Profitless usurer, why dost thou use So great a sum of sums, yet canst not live?

可怜的芭蕾舞演员必须把多年不断的辛劳献给她无益的苦差事,之后她才能在芭蕾上大放异彩。The poor ballet dancer must devote years of incessant toil to her profitless task before she can shine in it.

“土地流转”政策可以把奶农从高强度、低收益的体力劳动中解放出来,使他们投身第三产业。Land Circulation Policy can liberate dairy farmers from inefficient and profitless manual labor to tertiary industry.

基于同样的原因,在这个经济复苏的时候,我一直在说,我们着眼的是一个低利甚至无利的复苏。During the economic recovery, I'd been arguing that we're looking at a low profit or even profitless recovery for the same reason.

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弄一个投资组合,规避那些过剩的行业,如何?How about building a portfolio that avoids niches, industries and sectors where global overcapacity will create a profitless recovery?

由于只有依靠游戏巨作才能盈利,取得成功的成本相当昂贵,因此大多数游戏无利可图。Because support game is only gigantic, make ability profit, the cost that gains a success is quite high, because this is most game is profitless.

在90年代后期那个癫狂的时期,毫无利润的技术公司能够有10亿美元的估值,就像是情人节的花束。You know, that wacky window in the late ’90s when profitless technology companies scored billion-dollar valuations like bouquets on Valentine’s Day.

现在整个行业利润都低了,许多贸易商觉得无利可图都跑去做别的生意,订单一断,许多加工企业就倒闭了。Gain of whole now industry is small, a lot of trafficker feel profitless to run to do other business, order is broken, a lot of treatment companies closed down.

在本专栏里,我草拟了三种途径——通过品牌、服务和分配以及技术——在这种无获利的复苏里建立一个赚钱的投资组合。In this column, I sketched out three ways -- using brands, service and distribution, and technology -- to build a profitable portfolio in a profitless recovery.

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米得勒先生的主要工作是在中国工厂将那些无利可图的合同转化为有利可图的生意时,解决那些他称之为“质量渐变”的问题。Most of Mr Midler's work is coping with what he calls "quality fade" as the Chinese factories transform what were, in fact, profitless contracts into lucrative relationships.

赫什科维茨和赫尔常有冗长的讨论,到底非营利药厂现实上是否可行,结果赫什科维茨也开始投入更多的时间在这新企业上。Herskowitz often became locked in discussions with his wife about whether a profitless drug company would really be practical. He, too, began to devote more time to the venture.

滥用抗生素对健康只会有害、无益,还可能会导致咽喉部正常菌群失调,甚至引起感染。It is harmful, profitless that abusive antibiotic is met only to health, it is normal to still may bring about guttural ministry bacterium group maladjusted , cause infection even.

山楂酸甜可口,具有消食化积的特殊作用,是增进食欲、帮助消化的最佳果品之一,但食用过多是有害无益的。Hawthorn sweet and sour taste, has the special effect of Xiaoshi of the plot, increase appetite, help digestion is one of the best fruit, but eating too much is harmful and profitless.

中国足球协会作为非营利性社团法人注册其处罚性管理行为引起的风波不断,但因组织性质界定上的偏差,无法对足协处罚权进行司法审查。CFA is a profitless association, which causes a lot problems for the penal management. Due to its erroneous nature of the CFA, the penal power of CFA cannot be examined by judicial way.

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但部分研究者认为活血化瘀中药具有促进肿瘤转移的作用,于肿瘤治疗无益。However, some researchers believe that medicines for blood-activating and stasis-dissolving are profitless for tumor cure because of the facilitating effect on the metastasis of tumors.

从而实现鼓励优秀卖家,让坏的商家无所遁形、无利可图,创造出一个真正诚信的购物空间。Come true thereby encourage outstanding sell the home, the businessman that lets bad does not have an escape form, profitless , innovation goes true the shopping space of sincere letter.