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他耸耸肩,漠不关心的样子。He shrugs, indifferently.

而现在,知识毫无区别地应用在两方面上。It is now being used indifferently for bot.

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我淡淡地拒绝了他,叫他不要再打来。Indifferently I declined him, asking him not to call any more.

对于撞烂起火的赛车,我们见之却无动于衷。Regarding destroys the vehicle race which is on fire, we see indifferently actually.

鱼儿优哉地四处游动,水滴也滴入容器中。Observe. How the fish swim indifferently in all directions. Drops fall into vessel beneath.

没感情地歌唱,笨拙地导演---但对数百万人来说,它是一次华丽的狂欢。Indifferently sung, clumsily directed – but for millions of people, it was a grand night out.

玛拉伫足桥头,追忆起过去的好时光,神情默然地看着来往的车辆。Myra stands there, thinking of the "good old days", looking indifferently at the passing cars.

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“你可以叫它手套清洁剂,”老人不以为然地说道,“也许它可以清洁手套,但我没试过。"Call it a glove-cleaner if you like, " said the old man indifferently. "Maybe it will clean gloves.

在伊丽莎白的婚礼上他被冷淡对待,Henchard离开了卡斯特桥,悲惨死去。Treated indifferently by Elizabeth on her wedding day, Henchard left Casterbridge and died in misery.

红色的单人沙发只是鲜艳的点缀,为淡然之中添些活泼色彩。Gules single person sofa is bright-coloured ornament only, for indifferently in add some of lively color.

那个女孩子冷漠地望了他一眼,什么话也不说就走进了况子衡的家。That girl looks at him indifferently . And without answering his question, she walks into Fong Zi Heng's house.

提出了一种以动量轮为执行机构的具有中性静稳定气动布局的再入弹头姿态控制新方案。A novel set of moment wheel actuators is proposed to control a reentry warhead with indifferently static stability.

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截拳道使我们一旦确定了方向即不再回首反顾。它对生死是置之度外的。Jeet Kune Do teaches us not to look backward once the course is decided upon. It treats life and death indifferently.

我们都清楚今年将是困难的一年,但是不变的是我们的目标仍然是赢得联赛冠军和欧洲冠军杯的冠军。This year it will be tough and we all know that, but indifferently we aim at winning the league and Champions League.

这位军人披着他那件带斗篷的大衣,在他所处的拐角十英尺的范围之内,来回走动着,漫不经心地吹着口哨。The soldier, in his cape overcoat, walked a short line of ten feet at his corner, to and fro, indifferently whistling.

可这想法马上被证明是错误的。一个青工从过道走来,无所谓地用大拇指戳了一下她的肋部。This illusion ended when another young man passed along the aisle and poked her indifferently in the ribs with his thumb.

谁知贾菌年纪虽小,志气最大,极是淘气不怕人的。他在座上冷眼看见金荣的朋友暗助金荣,飞砚来打茗烟。This hot-tempered, fearless little scamp had watched indifferently while One of Jin Rong's friends hurled an inkstone at Mingyan.

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对于农民权利意识的现状,人们一直都习惯于用“淡薄”或“淡漠”来概括。As for the current situation of peasant's right consciousness, people always get used to using "thinly" or summarizing "indifferently".

“哦,是独角兽的毛,”海格不在意地说,“从尾巴上扯下来的,在林子里挂到了树枝上……”"Oh, yeah, " said Hagrid indifferently. "Gets pulled out of their tails, they catch it on branches an' stuff in the forest, yeh know . . . "

正像人们常指出的,知识是双重性的武器,既可造福,亦可为害。现在人们正漫不经心地把知识用于这两方面。As is so often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. It is now being used indifferently for both.