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曾任中国青年诗歌学会理事。He was syndic of China Youth Poetry Academy.

中国作家协会会员,上海作家协会理事。He is a member of China Writers' Association and syndic of Shanghai Writers' Association.

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中国经济体制改革研究会特聘研究员,公共政策研究中心理事、监事。Syndic and Supervisor, Research Center of Public Policy, Society for China Economic System Reform.

现任上海市益昌律师事务所主任、上海市女律师联谊会理事。At the moment she serves as a director in Shanghai Yichang Law office, also a syndic in Shanghai Women Lawyers sodality.

本文介绍了医疗设备的招标采购,具体介绍了招标采购的组织及实施过程,招标采购的评分标准及评委的工作纪律。This paper introduces the invite bidding of medical equipment, emphasizes the practice process, grade point standard and the work discipline of the syndic.

现为中国作家协会会员,并担任中国诗歌学会理事等多个全国性学术团体的职务。At present he is a member of China Writeers' Association and a syndic of china Poetry Academy and some other positions of some nationwide learned societies.

本文采用1993到2005年的相关季度数据进行了计量分析,采用综合分析后又逐步细分的方法。Empirical research has thus been carried out with related quarterly data from 1993 to 2005 in China with the method of sub-analysis step by step and then syndic analysis.

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本文采用1994到2003年的相关季度数据进行了计量分析,采用逐步细分后又综合分析的方法。Empirical research has thus been carried out with related quarterly data from 1994 to 2003 in China with the method of sub-analysis step by step and then syndic analysis.

獒主赵艳军先生现任中国犬业协会理事,对养獒繁育工作有着丰富的经验,培养出如狮王、老虎等一批精品名獒。Master Zhao Yanjun is syndic of national canine pet club, he has abundant experience in breeding Tibetan Mastiffs , has bred out some famous Tibetan Mastiffs such as "king lion" and "tiger ".

曾任黑龙江省心血管内科起搏与电生理学会委员,哈尔滨市医学会心血管内科专业委员会委员。现任黑龙江省生活习惯病学会常务理事,市老年病专业委员会委员。I am a commissioner of Habin Geratology Specialty Council, syndic of Heilongjiang living Habit Diseases Research Center, member of Medical Treatment Accident Technical Authentication Experts Society.