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这就是洗脑。It was known as brainwashing.

被洗脑不表示他们有精神病。Brainwashing didn't mean that they are psychotic.

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他们认为那个教派犯了洗脑的错误。They thought the religious sect was guilty of brainwashing.

他们返抵美国后,由于洗脑忘记了那段时间发生了什么。They arrive back in the US amnesic for the period of brainwashing.

中国政府对中国人进行了洗脑,并告诉人们日本人都是是坏的。The government is brainwashing its people to tell them that we're all bad.

实验被一个密告者描述为用“化学药物洗脑”。The experiments there were described by one informant as" brainwashing with chemicals".

这是明摆的事实,而且还没经过39年前那种美国大使馆的洗脑。Here are the facts, this time without the American embassy’s brainwashing of 39 years ago.

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目前还有数百名孩子正在培训基地接受"洗脑"培训。Hundreds more children are still undergoing brainwashing at dozens of "suicide nurseries".

在孩子毕业前,家长就开始给他们用这个神话洗脑。Parents begin brainwashing their children with this myth before they are out of grade school.

我们这些白领们,在公司所接受的不过是洗脑的愚民的教育。We white-collars received no more than obscurant and brainwashing education from the company.

因此你也就不会卷入这种哲学性宗教性和政治性的洗脑。So, you will also not engage into this kind of philosophical, religious, and political brainwashing.

由于朝鲜媒体的洗脑,朝鲜将会负隅顽抗,决一死战并造成绝大多数平民死亡。Due to all the brainwashing by the NK 'media', the DPRK will die hard, going out fighting to the death of most civilians.

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我在美国生活了很长里间了,中国和美国,哪个国家存在更大的洗脑问题还很难说呢。Now I have been living in the US for a long time, it's hard to say which country has bigger brainwashing issues, China or the US.

一个人一旦远离长期的情感支持并且脱离现实感,就容易被洗脑了。Once a person is away from longstanding emotional support and thus reality checks, it is fairly easy to set a stage for brainwashing.

接MIB特报,喵星人已经领先于汪星人,开始试验利用特殊声音编码进行人类远程洗脑与遥控的技术。MIB, Meow star has been ahead of Wang Xing who began tests using special sound encoding human remote remote control and brainwashing techniques.

许多人也批评了黄艺博的父母,指责他们给自己的孩子洗脑,把孩子包装成大众消费品。Some critics have also laid into Huang's parents, with many accusing them of brainwashing their own child and packaging him for public consumption.

他坦承,「谁杀了甘迺迪」和「白宫风暴」杀青后,历史学家、记者和政党都揶揄他,批他「向年轻人洗脑」。Stone has demons of his own. After "JFK" and "Nixon" he was ridiculed by historians, journalists and partisans for, as he put it, " brainwashing the young.

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美国费米研究所已缩小了”神秘粒子“的包围圈?还是世界科学家们被”标准理论”洗脑?Fermi Institute of the United States have narrowed the "mysterious particles" encirclement? Scientists are still the world's "standard theory of brainwashing?

家长们对我说,你不觉得你在给你女儿洗脑吗?“People have said to me, ‘Don’t you feel like you’re brainwashing your daughter because you’re not giving her the choice of what she consumes?’ ” Orenstein says.

做老千,除了千术之外,很讲究揣摸对方心理,有时我要鼓动一些老板请我,就要说服他们出千来钱是多么容易,这个叫洗脑。Do good, except in very particular about the other side, fathom, sometimes I will arouse some boss asked me, will persuade them a thousand money is how easy it is, this is called brainwashing.