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这是一个聚餐会。This is a potluck.

请来吃顿家常便饭。Come along and take potluck.

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跟我们一块儿吃顿便饭吧。Come along and take potluck with us.

跟我们一块儿吃顿便饭吧。Come alonge and take potluck with us.

一个很普通的建议是让那顿饭成为百味餐。One commonly suggested thing is to make the meal potluck.

约翰期待着怀特夫妇来吃顿便饭。John expected Mr.and Mrs White to come for a potluck dinner.

作为一般的习惯,赴家常便饭席的每一个人都会带一些食物来。As a general rule, everybody contributes some food to a potluck.

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去外面透透气,去公园,去海边,在家里做顿家常的晚餐。Go outside, to a park, to the beach. Have a potluck dinner at home.

准备一场自己带菜的自助聚餐,比作东煮全部的菜简单多了。It's easier to have a potluck dinner than have the host cook everything.

宴会不需太隆重,在自家后院办个休闲的野餐聚会或者在家举行百味晚宴即可。This can be done in a casual backyard picnic setting or a potluck dinner at your home.

上个周末我和一个朋友去一家小饭馆吃饭,这个星期天我得做一个菜去参加一个聚会。Last week I went to a greasy spoon with a friend and this Sunday I've got to go a potluck.

被滞纳税金的人叫做“小偷”、“恶魔”,对于征收官们而言是是家常便饭。Be back taxes people called thief, devil, for collection in the case of official is the potluck.

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这也是一部分,但很显然只是正餐的一部分,就像便饭一样。That might be part of it but it's clearly part of a wider meal and it looks like it was something like a potluck.

和亲戚或邻居达成一致,彼此欢聚分享欢乐,来一次百乐餐。Coordinate a potluck with relatives or neighbors to get together and share good cheer. That’s what it’s all about.

在多元化的融合方面,学校也常常举办活动,例如举办百乐餐聚会。In promoting integration of diverse cultures, the school often holds various activities such as a potluck dinner party.

当部份职员其职业上升空间受到企业的制约,个人发展空间没有施展的空间,跳槽便成为了一种家常便饭。When some employees suffer limitation in promotion and there is no space for them to develop, job-hopping becomes common like potluck.

包括那些参加我们的在萨斯卡通的星期六小组和在考艾岛的星期四清晨小组,我们有每周一次会议和午餐家常便饭。That includes those who attend our Saturday group in Saskatoon and the Thursday morning group in Kauai at which we have weekly sessions and potluck lunches.

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举例来说,你的堂妹建议你为她20人的圣诞聚会准备便饭,而家庭老师协会主席要求你参加年终委员会议。For example, a cousin suggests you prepare a main course for her potluck Christmas party for 20 people or the president of the PTA picks you to head a committee for a year.

客人们自带的食物通常包括沙拉和蔬菜,以及其他几种更加丰盛的菜肴,比如鸡肉、丸子、大利式卤汁面条或者是一些具有异国风味的佳肴。These dinners are called potluck dinners. They usually consist of a salad or vegetable and several more substantial dishes such as chicken, meatballs , lasagna, or special ethnic delicacies.