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穿紫色衬衫的。Purple shirt.

我想买一件衬衫。I’d like a shirt.

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拉起你的衬衫。Pull up your shirt.

每件衬衫都白的。Every shirt is white.

我必须熨自己的衬衫。I must iron my shirt.

穿这件新衬衫让人身上发痒。The new shirt itches.

你把我的衬衣都溅湿了。You sketted my shirt.

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我的衬衣全缝好了吗?Is my shirt sewn down?

这件衬衫小了。This shirt runs small.

母亲给我熨衬衫。Mother ironed my shirt.

这件衬衫好熨平。The shirt irons easily.

这件衬衫很经洗。This shirt washes well.

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扣好你的衬衫钮扣。Let's button your shirt.

把你的衬衣镶上花边。Hem your shirt with lace.

我来帮你把衬衫拉锁拉上。Let me zip your shirt up.

她在补一件衬衫。She was patching a shirt.

这个衬衣有皱纹的。This shirt is so wrinkly.

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这件衬衫需要补一补。This shirt wants mending.

把你的衬衫挂到挂钩子上。Hang your shirt on a hook.

那件衬衫正被洗着。The shirt is being washed.