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“一条裙子,”什鲁斯伯里伯爵夫人毫不犹豫地说。"A skirt," said the Countess of Shrewsbury in the most decisive manner.

在塞文河的河水漫过堤岸后,什鲁斯伯里市也遭遇了洪水袭击。Shrewsbury also suffered flooding after the River Severn burst its banks.

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于是苏格兰女王和什鲁斯伯里伯爵夫人就此绝交。Henceforth the Queen of Scots and the Countess of Shrewsbury were no longer friends.

达尔文10月2日回到什鲁斯伯里做最后告别,之后出发前往伦敦。Darwin returned to Shrewsbury on 2 October to say his final farewells and then set out to London.

暑假时候,他回到什鲁斯伯里,脑中幻想着摇曳的热带植物。He returned home to Shrewsbury for summer vacation with visions of tropical foliage dancing in his head.

麦克马洪于2005年由特拉梅尔加入萨洛普,他承认转会到默西塞德郡的诱惑实在太大。McMahon joined Shrewsbury from Tranmere in 2005, but admits the lure of a move to Merseyside was too great.

夏季初,麦克马洪被任命为预备队的主教练,他曾经在什鲁斯伯里呆了几乎四年。McMahon was appointed as the reserve team's boss earlier this summer, after almost four years at Shrewsbury Town.

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什鲁斯伯里伯爵写信给伊丽莎白女王说,苏格兰女王在这里过得十分安分。The Earl of Shrewsbury sent a letter to Queen Elizabeth saying that the Scottish Queen passed her time very innocently.

而在上周二与什鲁斯伯里的比赛中我一开场的确也是踢的中锋位置,只是随着比赛的深入我渐渐又回到了左边。I actually played in a friendly against Shrewsbury last Tuesday and started down the middle but drifted out to the left.

在英国中部,达尔文出生成长的什鲁斯伯�,也为这个有名的同乡举行了一个月之久的庆祝活动。Shrewsbury , the central England town where Darwin was born and raised, is holding a month-long festival for its most famous son.

我真的很喜欢在萨洛普度过的那段时间,主席,经理,工作人员,球员和观众都非常出色。I've really enjoyed my time with Shrewsbury and the chairman, manager, the staff, players and spectators have been fantastic to me.

现任预备队主教练约翰-麦克马洪将会重游故地,因为他在转会到希鲁斯伯里之前他在特拉梅尔呆了整整八年。New Reserve Team Head Coach John McMahon will take the Reds' second-string to the Club where he spent eight years as coach before moving to Shrewsbury Town.

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马克萨洛普竖起耳朵仔细听,不再感到聊无趣味了,他想毕竟参加令人生厌的晚宴还是有所慰藉的。Mark Shrewsbury pricked up his ears, he no longer felt bored, he began to think that, after all, there might be some compensation for this wearisome dinner-party.

大卫之前被租借至谢斯伯里城、伯恩茅斯、克鲁和杜根咸。总计有73场的联赛出场。David has made 73 Football League appearances in total having also enjoyed previous loans at Shrewsbury Town, Bournemouth, Crewe Alexandra and Dagenham & Redbridge.

温格说他希望在周二晚上在主场对阵什鲁斯伯里的比赛中派出一支年轻的队伍。张伯伦、宫市亮、科克兰、詹金森、弗林蓬都有望首发。Wenger – The players you will see on Tuesday Arsène Wenger says he is keen to let his youth players shine once more when Shrewsbury visit Emirates Stadium on Tuesday night.

伯赫以前在利物浦预备队,什鲁斯伯里和切斯特踢过球,他被人熟知是因为他2002年被指派为切尔西首席执行官,并解决了很多问题。A former player with Liverpool reserves, Shrewsbury and Chester, Birch became known as something of a trouble-shooting figure when he was appointed chief executive of Chelsea in 2002.

次日,达尔文起了个大早,正在维奇伍德庄园射猎雉鸡的时候,他得到传话说,他的乔塞亚伯伯要他即刻同回什鲁斯伯里。Darwin woke up early the next day and while out shooting pheasants on the Wedgwood estate he received word that his uncle Josiah wanted the two of them to return to Shrewsbury at once.

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哈特似乎得到了一个这样的机会,还得益于他年轻时候加盟曼城之前在谢波利的锻炼,那些经验对于任何球员的发展都至关重要。Hart appears to have got it right by learning the ropes at Shrewsbury Town, where he got the experience at a young age that is so critical to any player's development, before joining City.

这名18岁的夏季签约球员在周二对阵什鲁斯伯里的比赛中给出了夺人眼球的完美表现。他目前正在力争在周六实现自己的首次英超先发。The 18-year-old summer signing made an eye-catching full debut against Shrewsbury Town in the Carling Cup on Tuesday and is now in contention to make his first Premier League start on Saturday.