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核装置的大小。Size of the device.

这是他的专利发明。It is his patent device.

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它们是设备特定的。They are device specific.

为何在普及性设备上?Why on a pervasive device?

隐藏式自动平衡装置。Hidden auto-balance device.

主缸加压装置。Kier pressurization device.

这是一个安全无故障的设备。That is a fail-safe device.

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虚拟设备驱动器?。VDD? Virtual Device Driver?

孔用的一种设备。A device that do gang punch.

现在重新同步你的iOS硬件。Now re-sync your iOS device.

无法创建球体装置。Unable to create d3d device.

道路标示作図装置。A road surface drawing device.

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垫刀条顶出装置。Ejecting device for knife bar.

这对于一个设备来说太快了。It's a lot faster of a device.

虚拟设备接口?。VDI? Virtual Device Interface?

为机器设备制造数字指纹是合法的。Device fingerprinting is legal.

产品是否具有激光部件?Does this device employ a laser?

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所以这是一种能够帮助记忆的手段So it's a great mnemonic device.

备份设备是磁碟机。The backup device is disk drive.

设备报告的个别性错误。General error reported by device.