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他们开始解掉甲板货物的绑绳。They began to remove the lashings from the deck cargo.

大海很平静,礁石露了出来,天空蓝蓝的,飘着片片粉色的云彩。The sea was calm, the reef exposed, sky blue with lashings of pink.

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精子自身的运动由充满活力的鞭子样的尾来驱动。The movement itself is caused by the vigorous, whip-like lashings of the tail.

请你提供捆扎工具,使用完毕立即归还。Please provide tools for untieing and lashings. We'll return them to you after using.

我们将拆除甲板上集装箱的绑扎物,马上开始卸船了。We ' II untie the lashings between the containers on deck. Discharging will begin at once.

墨西哥人说,随后他直直的站在那里,结结实实的挨完了十下鞭打。Says the Mexican, and he stands there straight and takes his ten lashings without a single flinch.

低通货、高流通、强增长对资产价格膨胀营造了理想的环境。Low inflation, lashings of liquidity and strong growth are the ideal environment for asset-price inflation.

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圣诞主餐以肉为主,包括烤鹅和烤乳猪,当然,红色卷心菜也是必不可少的。The main feast usually features a rich meat like roast goose or suckling pig – all with lashings of red cabbage, of course.

日常私通故事的赤裸裸的描绘扩展成英雄史诗般的宏大,来自圣经或文学作品的典故层见迭出。The barest traces of a story of everyday adultery swells to heroic grandeur with lashings of biblical and literary allusions.

那一群赫斯基狗把雪撬上的皮带和帆布罩也嚼烂了。实际上,任何东西,无论怎么不适合吃,都没有逃出“虎”口。The huskies had chewed through the sled lashings and canvas coverings. In fact, nothing, no matter how remotely eatable, had escaped them.

伦敦传媒化妆学院的杰丝•霍尔认为,些许底妆和厚厚的睫毛膏,再配以黑色唇妆,便能打造出一种摩登而又迷人的妆容。Paired with a minimal base and lashings of mascara, a black lip can evoke a modern and glamorous look, according to Jess Hall of The London School of Media Make Up.

他们会抱怨大量使用蛋黄酱等新食材的年轻厨师,并怀念被忽视的经典菜肴,如酱爆腰花。They gripe about young cooks who use lashings of new ingredients, like mayonnaise, and recall neglected classics, like sliced pig kidneys fried in fermented bean paste.

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两千年来,中日关系变幻不定,两国间有过短暂的互相钦慕,大量的纷争,也爆发过数次全面战争。Relations between the neighbours for much of the past two millennia have been marked by brief bursts of mutual admiration interspersed with lashings of trouble, strife and, on occasion, total war.