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一句话,糟透了。In a word, dreadfully.

马西的妻子简直像妈妈一样照料着他。Massy's wife mothers him dreadfully.

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儿子失望极了。My son felt dreadfully disappointed.

那首交响曲被糟蹋得不成样了。The symphony was dreadfully mangled.

僧侣们的生活乏味得可怕。Dreadfully dull lives the monks live.

看看这都变得多么可怕地复杂了。See how dreadfully complex it has all become.

我肯定波莉姑姑会大为震惊。I am sure Aunt Polly will be dreadfully shocked.

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他们在学校上学时,她也极想他们。She missed them dreadfully when they were at school.

主人们不在的时候,草地变得凌乱不堪。During the owners' absence the lawn became dreadfully unkempt.

我不能对你隐瞒,我有时思念你心焦如焚。I cannot conceal from you that sometimes i long for you dreadfully.

它掉到地上,用力一瘸一拐地离开了,啸声难堪。He fell with force upon the ground and limped away, howling dreadfully.

亚当斯给史密斯写道,“我想你想得厉害,我到死也是你的人。”"I miss you dreadfully and am yours 'til death, " Addams wrote to Smith.

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啊,那是诗人对我的预言--那么好,那么值得赞美!Ah, the poet's prophecy of Me -- how admirable, how dreadfully admirable!

昨天可把我吓坏了,不过今天的情况就大不一样了。I was dreadfully alarmed yesterday, but the case is very different to-day.

一个熟悉得可怕的懒洋洋的声音钻入了哈利的耳朵,是卢修斯·马尔福。The dreadfully familiar, drawling voice of Lucius Malfoy fell on Harry's ears.

太对不起了,我把桌布全泼上了墨水。I am dreadfully sorry, but I am afraid I have spill ink all over the table cloth.

而且在印度这样一个拥有十几亿人口的农业国家,土地资源也极其稀缺。And in India, an agrarian country with a billion-plus people, land is dreadfully scarce.

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喉咙那里完全被撕裂了,留下一滩还没有完全凝固的血渍。From the throat, dreadfully lacerated, had issued a pool of blood not yet entirely coagulated.

他左腿畸形得很厉害,脚扭着,后脚根到了前面,看着很吓人。His right leg was dreadfully deformed, the foot being twisted heel forward in a way horrible to see.

现在我非常需要钱,我已经负债累累了,而这个月也轮不到给我零花钱。I need it so much. I'm dreadfully in debt, and it won't be myturn to have the rag money for a month.