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这是一个很满的议程。It’s a fulsome agenda.

我讨厌她那套令人作呕的奉承。I was disgusted by her fulsome flattery.

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他们想用溢美之词和奢华的礼品来取悦他。They tried to please him with fulsome compliments and extravagant gifts.

曼联传奇帕蒂。克莱兰德也对这位27岁的球员大加赞赏。Reds legend Paddy Crerand was equally fulsome in his praise of the 27-year-old.

然而,过大的压力可能会使人走向极端,甚至放弃人生。However, fulsome pressure maybetakepeople to extremity, even giving up their life.

布莱尔首相宣布即将离任之后,布什于上周五向他表达了自己“由衷”的敬意。Bush paid his own fulsome tribute to Blair last Friday, after the British leader announced his departure.

爱在纵容。一切肉麻情话冲口而出随心而发真摰自然,真幸福。Love is indulgent. One is happy when one may just blurt out any amorous sentiments that are fulsome but true.

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在会上,布莱尔的可能继任者,财政大臣戈登布朗高度赞扬了首相。During the meeting, Mr Blair's presumed successor, Chancellor Gordon Brown paid a " fulsome tribute" to the Prime Minister.

传达设计同质化的根本原因在于过度的强调功能化、理性化。The ultimate essence of the consubstantial trend to the modern communication design is the fulsome functionalism, rationalism.

当然,在反对声浪中,也有少数勇士发言恭维奥巴马和诺委会的裁定。Gamely venturing into this sea of snark, a brave minority offers fulsome compliments of Obama and the Nobel Committee's judgment.

虽然他想给我们只是一个'是'的问题,是否伯恩4仍然是他的议程,总干事是更令人生厌的绿区。Although he'd give us only a 'yes' to the question of whether Bourne 4 was still on his agenda, the director was more fulsome on Green Zone.

12月7日,奥巴马召集共和党国会议员,与之达成协议在未来的两年内继续推行“布什减税计划,企业家们对此赞不绝口。Business leaders have been fulsome in their praise for the deal Mr Obama struck with Republicans in Congress on December 7th to extend the “Bush tax cuts” for two more years.

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这是一个很好的方式因为它给了读者一个对事物更加丰满的观察,但它同时也使读者了解到阿德里安是一个机敏得足以成为侦探的人。This works well because it not only shows the reader a more fulsome view of things, but it also shows the reader that the Adrien is truly sharp enough to be a good detective.

可以看出,悠久的基础研究也许能够确定各种人力资源流程及模块,但也可能损及概念使其成为一个令人作呕的启发性练习。As can be seen, a brilliant benchmarking study might be able to determine the various sorts of matrices for payouts, but it might vitiate the notion of a fulsome inspirational exercise.

在此之前,贝尼特斯从来没有大肆称赞过我们的主教练,但他上面的评论,却是一个竞争对手的教练,能够对穆帅睿智与英明所给予的最大褒奖。He has never been particularly fulsome in his compliments to our manager before now, but that is as big a tribute to the acumen and brilliance of Jose Mourinho as any rival boss could pay.

这些东西当然漂亮,当然有其功能,但这些当今很时髦的东西过了三年五载不一定时髦,说不定到时候会令人生厌。These things are beautiful of course, have its function of course, but these are current very modern thing passed 3 years 5 carry differ and time children's hair, perhaps meet to moment fulsome.