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亢奋地安慰自己,你的黄,有我一份。I can comfort myself with exhilaration that I have a share in its being yellow.

我感觉到一种奇怪的放松和失望参半的心情,既愉快又倍感空虚。I felt a strange mixture of relief and disappointment, exhilaration and emptiness.

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接受挑战吧,以便你能体会到胜利的喜悦。Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. ---- G. S. Patton. Sr.

我对当时真切的兴奋记忆犹新,因为我知道我恨得可以跑这么长时间了。I can still remember the exhilaration I felt realizing I was actually able to run for such a long time.

但在伦敦,你看不见她们,于是总有一种未知的愉悦在等待着你。But in London you can’t see them so there’s always the exhilaration of not knowing what you're going to get.

那天拍的图片里,她站在一个小山顶上,向上用力地挥动自己的手臂。In a picture from that day, she's standing at the top of a small hill, her arms flung skyward in exhilaration.

我记得和我的大女儿在大峡谷谷底漂流而下、然后又爬出峡谷、登上顶端时的那种兴奋。I remember floating down the Grand Canyon with my oldest daughter, climbing out, and the exhilaration at the top.

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腾中重工总裁杨义将悍马描述成“冒险、自由和活力的同义词”。Tengzhong's chief executive, Yang, Yi, described Hummer as a name "synonymous with adventure, freedom and exhilaration".

四个音乐人,心情愉快,玩兴正浓,在摇滚乐中表现最佳,成为家喻户晓的人物。It's filled with the exhilaration of four musicians who were having fun and creating at the top of their form and knew it.

我的身体很不习惯这样的酷热,感觉疲惫不堪,但是买路边的巴基斯坦食品让我兴致盎然,所以吃一点苦也值了。My body, unused to the heat, is exhausted but the exhilaration of buying roadside food in Pakistan is worth the discomfort.

更多的人从那时开始了解这个极具影响的改变是通过个人的勇气和同情心带来的,并从其中体会到了愉悦。Many more people since then have known this exhilaration of effecting change through individual acts of courage and empathy.

由于师父的爱力加持,这场讲座在来宾们的欣喜与满足中落幕。Due to Masters unconditional love and infinite Light, the seminar thus ended in an atmosphere of great exhilaration and contentment.

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那力量可能是潜在热情的兴奋表现,是从长期不断的诚挚思想的熔炉中蒸馏出来的。It might be the exhilaration of that potent cordial, which is distilled only in the furnace-glow of earnest and long-continued thought.

那气力可能是潜伏热情的兴奋表现,是从长期不断的诚挚思想的熔炉中蒸馏出来的。It might be the exhilaration of that potent cordial, which is distilled only in the furnace-glow of earnest and long-continued thought.

我坚信源自未知世界的创造力,我欣赏身处已知与未知交界的喜悦,我赞许孩子们提出的哪些认人哑口无言的问题。I believe in the exhilaration of standing at the boundary between the known and the unknown. I believe in the unanswered questions of children.

除了光线之外什么都没有改变,但是那光辉所到之处,倾注着一种平和的呼吸和生命的力量,它将我带入一种奇特的兴奋之中。Nothing had altered but the light, and that, indeed, shed over all a spirit of life and of breathing peace, and moved me to a strange exhilaration.

相反的,专注在过去,真实可见的成功经验,同时,去感受过程及正面的情绪,正面情绪能引导出强大的自信。Conversely, focusing on past successes by aCTually visualizing and feeling the process and exhilaration of positive aCTion leads to tremendous feelings of confidence.

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越过空旷的公地,停留深雪潭边,注目晨昏曦微光芒,在满布乌云的天空下,并非出于特别的当头好运,我享受了完美无缺的欣喜。Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration.

这让人兴奋,但得有人为之付出成本,但另一方面,或许在科学理论中,假设万物有一个根本解释,是个巨大的错误,佛洛依德就相信这种假设。It's exhilarating and some people will pay for that exhilaration. But otherwise, maybe it's simply a big mistake in scientific theory to assume that there is a rock bottom. Freud did that.

最近当奥运圣火在比赛古代的诞生地同时也是掷铅球比赛的场地点燃时,在捕捉过去的瞬间,没有一丝狂喜。There is no exhilaration like catching a glimpse of the past as we did recently when the Olympic Flame was lit in the Games' ancient birthplace and where the shot-put event will be staged.