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疥疮是由阴虱引起的。Scabies is caused by pubic lice.

阴虱仅寄生于阴毛。Pubic lice infest only pubic hair.

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作为穆斯林,我们被要求剃除阴毛。As Muslims we are required to shave pubic hair.

我不能忍受人们在公共场所乱丢垃圾。I can't stand it when people throw litter in pubic.

我刚才是把我叔叔的阴毛拿弄到满脸搓洗啊!I just rubbed my uncle's pubic hair all over my face.

你有还是没有在我们见面之前,修剪过你的阴毛?Did you or did you not trim your pubic hair before we met?

艾哈迈德被问到使用剪刀去除阴毛的事。Ahmad was asked about removing the pubic hair with scissors.

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税制可被定义成积累公共收入的制度。Taxation can be defined as a system of raising pubic revenue.

切实加强财政管理和监督。We will strengthen management and oversight of pubic finance.

全自动行人道将公众从一个位置带到另一位置。Moving sidewalks carry the pubic from one location to another.

南希慢慢拉下她的短裤恰在她阴毛的上方。Nancy slowly unzips her shorts down to just above her pubic hair.

阴虱是一种以血为食的非常微小的昆虫。Pubic lice or crab lice are very small insects that feed on blood.

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Permanantly去除阴毛和头发比基尼激光脱毛。Permanantly remove the pubic hair and hair laser hair removal bikini.

阴虱很讨厌,但一旦确诊,很容易治疗。Pubic lice or crabs are unpleasant but, once diagnosed, easily treated.

正如一位女性所告诉我,“当我的身体处于打开状态,我的阴毛甚至都是敏感的。As one woman told me, “When I’m turned on, even my pubic hair is sensitive.

这种款式对亚洲人显得很棒,或者其他直线型阴发者。This style looks great on Asian guys or anyone who has straight pubic hair.

实际上,有专家谁修剪,剪下,并刮脸机构和耻毛。Actually, there are specialists who trim, cut, and shave body and pubic hair.

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相反的,前方的耻骨联合薄弱,更容易发生断裂。Conversely, the pubic symphysis anteriorly is weaker and more easily ruptured.

如果你汗湿的阴毛对着她磨蹭,可能刺激到你的皮肤。It can be irritating to your skin when your sweaty pubic hair rubs against hers.

我猜,如果你正想找些阴发款式设计的例子,你会说是。I suppose you think YES, if trying to find examples of pubic hair styles and designs.