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一块怀表。A pocket watch.

我腰里没钱。My pocket is empty.

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他袋中缺钱。He is low in pocket.

袋盖倾斜。Slanted pocket flaps.

吉普车门上半硬。Pocket door semi-hard.

他指指他的口袋。He points to his pocket.

他的口袋被掏了。He had his pocket pocked.

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外部回滑袋。Exterior back slip pocket.

我捡起钥匙,放在口袋里。I stuck them in my pocket.

钱放在你兜儿里了。It's money in your pocket.

内政部按钮贴边口袋。Interior button welt pocket.

放在哪个兜儿里了?Which pocket did you put it?

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你喜欢袖珍台历吗?Do you like pocket calendars?

怀表由设计师设计。A pocket watch has a designer.

他在暗袋里摸索着,找那只蟑螂。He searches his hidden pocket.

我有时候阅读口袋书。I sometimes read pocket books.

补上你口袋上的洞吧。Mend that hole in your pocket.

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一个后钩环的口袋里。One rear hook-and-loop pocket.

他伸手到衣袋里摸硬币。He dug for coins in his pocket.

他在口袋里装满了食物。He filled his pocket with food.