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你怎么看待多样性这个问题?What do you think of diversity?

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我觉得是多样性。I would have to say the diversity.

这就是多样性的优势。That is the advantage of diversity.

多样性?多样性很好啊。The diversity? The diversity is amazing.

我们星球上的语言多种多样,估计达六七千种。Our planet is rich in language diversity.

文化的多样性是非常必要的。The cultural diversity is very essential.

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第一部分“多样性还是混乱?”The first section, "Diversity or Anomie?"

我们应该如何增加电音舞曲的多样性?How can we increase diversity in dance music?

八角莲的遗传多样性低,进化潜力和适应性较弱。The last is its low level of genetic diversity.

单倍型基因多样性为0.9960。The overall haplotypes diversity reached0.9960.

一个人怎样能经历生命的多姿多彩呢?How can one experience life in all its diversity?

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至少在我的生活里,多元是生机勃勃且无所不在的。Diversity is alive and rampant—at least in my life.

分布过散会减少你能用以投机的数量。More diversity reduces amount you can speculate with.

那意味着,他们从一开始就把多样性挂在心上。That means they start with an awareness of diversity.

多元化。这儿有很多不同的商店。The diversity. There're so many different shops here.

我们希望展示我们的多样性,以及做出选择的权利。We hope to show our diversity and our right to choose.

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为什一定要把种族与多样性等同起来?Why should race necessarily be equated with diversity?

这些标本有助于我们把握地球生命的多样性。They help us grasp the diversity of life on the planet.

进而进行区系分析和多样性分析。Analysis of the fauna and fauna diversity was performed.