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这是我第一次访问内布拉斯加州。This is my first time in Nebraska.

植树日是起源于内华达洲。The idea for Arbor Day originated in Nebraska.

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斯万卡出生于华盛顿州,或者可能是内布拉斯加州。Swank was born in Washington State, or perhaps Nebraska.

马龙·白兰度于1924年4月3日出生在内布拉斯加州奥马哈城。Marlon Brando was born April 3, 1924, in Omaha, Nebraska.

相信路边旅馆是位于内布拉斯加州。The location of the Roadhouse is believed to be Nebraska.

闪电的鞭子撕裂了内布拉斯加州沃尔顿市乡下的天空。Whips of lightning crack the sky near rural Walton, Nebraska.

中国已成为内布拉斯加州第四大出口市场。China has become the fourth biggest export market for Nebraska.

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购物者已经能够回到内布拉斯加州奥马哈市西路购物中心。Shoppers have returned to the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska.

这两人是拉布拉斯加的哈格尔和伊利诺的迪克都班。The two are Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and Dick Durban of Illinois.

购物者们又回到了内布拉斯加奥马哈市的西路商场。Shoppers have returned to the Westroads Mall in Omaha , Nebraska.

美国内布拉斯加州东部一城市,位于密苏里河与衣阿华州接壤左近。A city of eastern Nebraska on the Missouri River and the Iowa border.

在内布拉斯加是和医院一起摇摆,取消了所有的责任。In Nebraska they swing by the hospital and abrogate all responsibility.

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在内布拉斯加实验室发明诞生30年后,曼迪哥退休了。Now 30 years after his invention in a Nebraska lab, Mandigo is retired.

本条例草案作出了堪萨斯州和内布拉斯加州的领土完整的国家。This bill made the Kansas and Nebraska territories full-fledged states.

在艾荷华州立大学及尼布拉斯加大学受教育。He was educated at Iowa State University and the University of Nebraska.

这项原则是他的内伯拉斯加主义仅存的残简片段。That principle is the only shred left of his original Nebraska doctrine.

譬如,内布拉斯加州的“州树”是三叶杨,阿拉斯加的“州树”则是北美云杉。The "state tree" for Nebraska is cottonwood , for Alaska is Sitka Spruce.

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东北内布拉斯加州的密苏里河流域的苏族人。A member of the siouan people of the missouri river valley in ne nebraska.

内部拉斯州的酒吧要想卖酒,得先在炉子上烧一锅汤。Sell beer in a bar in Nebraska unless there is a kettle of soup on thestove.

当1853年国会开会时,国会在考虑一项有关内布拉斯加的新建议法案。When Congress met in eighteen fifty-three, it considered a new bill on Nebraska.