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绘制颜色代码渲染路径。Draw color-coded render paths.

既然如此,为什么要动态产生呢?So why render that dynamically?

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按F8渲染摄像机视图。Press F9 to render the Camera view.

我不能将我的思想准确地表达出来。I can't render my thought accurately.

下图是我使用光能传递渲染的。Here is a render where I used radiosity.

应该使用固定高度的字体显示文本。May render text with a fixed-pitch font.

这里已经是呈现出数量13!Aquí tenéis ya el número 13 de Render Out!

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祂将针对海岸给予报复。To The Coastlands He Will Render Requital.

要做肥皂,我们首先得提炼脂肪.To make soap, first we have to render fat.

他们将到你那里去帮助你。They will call on you to render assistance.

我父亲教导我要以德报怨。My father taught me to render good for evil.

他一直是个以德报怨的人。He had to render an apology for his rudeness.

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您提供定期的图像为sRGB色彩You render a regular image to sRGB colorspace

他们拒绝撤出防御工事。They refused to render up their fortifications.

最后评审将给予每队各二分钟的判决。Judges will then each render a 2-minute verdict.

通过XSLT和HTML修饰测试结果报告。Render test results reports using XSLT AND HTML.

大混乱计划的各个小队总是在不停的提炼脂肪。Teams of Project Mayhem guys render fat all day.

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我们筹算向他们供给经济援助。We are going to render them economic assistance.

首先,你的能力,使重谱曲。First, you get the ability to render heavier comps.

如果目前的模式为实体模式,我们想要它成为线框渲染模式。If this is the case, we can change the render mode.