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我用丙烷检查有没有真空泄漏。I used propane to check for vacuum leaks.

可能还有些烧丙烷的汽车和卡丁车,但一时半会也搞不到。There are some propane based cars and Go-Karts.

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这些燃料,包括甲烷,丙烷和乙醇汽油。These fuels include methane, propane and gasohol.

卡车代理商彼得·托里斯销售以丙烷作燃料的卡车。Peter Torres' company sells trucks that run on propane.

主要成份是丙烷、丁烷、丁烯等。Its main components include propane butane and butylene.

天然气由甲烷、乙烷、丙烷和丁烷组成。Natural gas is composed of methane ethane propane and butane.

烃类气体,通常为储存于高压下的丙烷或丁烷。Hydrocarbon gases usually propane or butane kept under pressure.

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综述了丙烷催化转化制氢的国内外发展状况。The situation of hydrogen production from propane is summarized.

使用的燃料为液氢、甲烷、丙烷和航空煤油。The fuels used are liquid hydrogen, methane, propane and kerosene.

玛西在驻地里面点燃了一个露营的丙烷加热器,但还是很冷。Marcy lights a propane camp heater inside the stand, but it's still cold.

丁烯与丁烷表现出与丙烯、丙烷相似的特性。Butane and butylenes has the same characteristic with propane and propylene.

丙烷与丁烷可作为混合物储存和运输,也可分开储存运输。Propane and butane can be stored and transported as a mixture or separately.

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他和太太使用石油液化气用作火炉、炉灶和热水加热。He and his wife use propane for the furnace, the stove and the hot-water heater.

二氧化碳是甲烷、丙烷或石脑油的蒸气重整的一个副产品。Carbon dioxide is a by-product of steam reforming of methane, propane or naphtha.

以前的房客在离开前忘了关气罐了。The previous renters had forgotten to turn off the propane tank before they left.

在人口集中地区都有CNG和丙烷加油站。Both CNG and propane refueling stations are not difficult to find in major centers.

闲置的丙烷拖车马达应将丙烷气缸关闭。Propane tow motors that are not is use shall have the propane cylinder tank shut off.

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升高温度虽然能极大的提高丙烷的转化率从而增加丙烯的收率。Rising temperature can greatly increase the conversion of propane and then the yield of propene.

论文第一章介绍了丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛反应的意义及相关研究工作。The first chapter gives a brief introduction on the selective oxidation of propane into acrolein.

丙烷后来转换成丙烯,用于制造纺织品、食物包装材料和汽车零件。Propane is later converted to propylene for use in textiles , food packaging and automotive components.