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一艘汽艇向我们逼近。A powerboat was bearing down on us.

蒂姆·鲍威尔曾是汽艇比赛冠军。Tim Powell is a former champion powerboat racer.

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和机动船或水上摩托艇比起来,帆船一定安静多了。It must be very compared to a powerboat or a jet ski.

汽艇带上我们往高地方向驶去。The powerboat picked us up and headed to higher ground.

汽艇带上我们往高地方向驶往。The powerboat picked us up and headed to higher ground.

当天下午有一艘汽艇来接我们,我们将从前廊的屋顶上撤离。A powerboat was to pick us up that afternoon. We would leave by the porch roof.

一道闪电击中一艘机动船背后的地面,船上居民打开了灯。The inhabitants of a powerboat turn on their lights just as a bolt of lightning hits the ground behind it.

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深圳是第二次举办F1摩托艇锦标赛,2007年的成功举办推动了深圳游艇产业的发展。Shenzhen is the second F1 powerboat championships held in 2007 to promote the success of the Shenzhen yacht industry.

因为您通过狭窄的运河驾驶咆哮快速汽艇以危险的速度,没有在世界的感觉象冷,清楚的水浪花在您的面孔的!There is no feeling in the world like the spray of cold, clear water in your face as you navigate a roaring powerboat through narrow canals at break-neck speed!

将有大概5台套,其中设有一个海港码头散粮装卸和货物船舶,码头,渔船,快艇和摩托艇上一卡车的东西。There will be something like 5 sets including a harbour featuring a grain loading terminal and cargo ship, a marina, a fishing boat, a speedboat and powerboat on a truck.

5月5日,世界上最快的绿色环保船“地球竞赛”完成第一阶段的环球之旅驶进波多黎各首都圣胡安市的海港。The boat Earthrace puls into harbor after completing the first leg of the attempt to break the round the world powerboat speed record, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 5,2008.