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要有激情。Have passion.

那是激情犯罪。Crime of passion.

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你的热情在哪里?What is your passion?

我是一个有激情的人。I am a man of passion.

团队富有激情。They have the passion.

那是激情犯罪。It was a crime of passion.

现在,我激情洋溢的生活着。I’m now living my passion.

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他的话给她的热情浇了一盆冷水。His words iced her passion.

他们激情似火。They were hot with passion.

热情应该成为你的目标。Passion should be your goal.

激情是我最喜欢的一个坷。Passion nis my favorite word.

我酷爱长毛象。I have a passion for mammoths.

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这个百香果你吃过没!The passion fruit you had not!

没有任何业余爱好或热情?Don't have a hobby or passion?

她的脸都气白了。Her face was pale with passion.

它作为一种激情是无法加以解说的。It is undefinable as a passion.

她说“莎莎舞让我知道了什么是激情”。Because of salsa I know passion.

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他交易激情而非科学。He trades in passion not science.

她很迷银器。She has a passion for silverware.

黛博拉对海洋有份狂热。Debra has a passion for the ocean.