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他也是明确这样说的。He says as much explicitly.

它没有直接被表示出来It is not explicitly shown.

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我们明确的写出这个结果。So let's do this explicitly.

文件必须明确地列出。Files must be listed explicitly.

我来明确地写一下。Let me just write it explicitly.

我力争做出详尽的说明。I am striving to explain explicitly.

你们必须允许我们明确地控制。You have to grant us control explicitly.

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二进制值是明确不允许的。Binary values are explicitly not permitted.

将配置数据库数据显式保存到磁盘中。Explicitly saves the metabase data to disk.

其他期望陈述的不明确。Other expectations are not explicitly stated.

亚里士多德否认这种说法。Aristotle denies this explicitly denies this.

在这种情况下,必须显式地定义它。In that case, you have to define it explicitly.

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本地游标引用无明确释放Local cursor reference not explicitly deallocated.

从没有公开承认自己的同性恋倾向。He never explicitly acknowledged his homosexuality.

所以你们可以明确地计算这两个向量。So, you could compute these two vectors explicitly.

因此,必须显式地请求这些数据。Therefore you have to explicitly request this data.

要打开验证,必须明确请求它。To turn on validation, you must request it explicitly.

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它消除了明确地指定递归的需求。It eliminates the need to specify recursion explicitly.

这些绑定可以通过隐式或显式方式定义。These bindings can be implicitly or explicitly defined.

因此,你必须明确地加载你所需要的所有表。As such you have to explicitly load any tables you need.