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他张着嘴迷惑不解地看着我。He looked at me in open-mouthed bewilderment.

一整天,珂赛特都处在如醉如痴的状态中。All day long, Cosette remained in a sort of bewilderment.

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日本年轻人对此特别漠然和迷惘。Young Japanese, in particular, feel apathy and bewilderment.

到1957年,“巴哥”的受欢迎程度已经变得与骄傲的资本混淆。By 1957, Bugs' popularity had become as much a bewilderment as a source of pride.

然而,侦探Whicher得出令人震惊的结论时,骚动和困惑喧然四起。But when Whicher reaches his shocking conclusion there is uproar and bewilderment.

在很长一段时间里,我看着蚂蚁绕着树团团乱转,不知所措。For a long time,I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment.

我观察良久,看到它们一直围着树干底部团团转。For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment.

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在很长一段时间里,我看见蚂蚁围着大树底部来回转悠,不知所措。For a long time. I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment.

他对暴力是如何追逐自己的困惑也是整个国家的困惑。His bewilderment at how violence has chased him is the bewilderment of a whole country.

感到困惑又不把事情说出来,从而使世界上平添许多烦恼。Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.

爱情是莫名的困惑,一种由于一个人而使另一个人感到的困惑。Love is the strange bewilderment which overtakes one person on account of another person.

不出所料的是,当时与他擦身而过的人是多么的困惑。Unsurprisingly, the reaction he received from passers-by was one of complete bewilderment.

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不出所料的是,当时与他擦身而过的人是多么的困惑。Unsurprisingly, the reaction he received from passers-by was one of complete bewilderment.

正如史密夫在战阵中困惑地问尼欧「为什麽」,他回答「因为我自己选择了」。As Smith asks in bewilderment during their battle, 'Why'. Neo answers, 'Because I choose to'.

求杨健停止调查此案件,杨健也很是困惑不解。Beg Yang Jian to stop to investigate this case, yang Jian also is bewilderment indissolubles very.

失败和迷茫是每个来深圳寻梦的人都曾经历的痛苦。Frustration and bewilderment were experiences that every fortune seekers in Shenzhen had undergone.

这是一场短暂而惨淡的经历,惨痛的纷争,双方同样感到悲伤、迷茫、羞愧和愤怒。IT IS a sullen parade of short, bitter stanzas, equal parts sadness, bewilderment , shame and rage.

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公孙龙有一天到魏公子牟的家去,请公子牟帮忙解开他心中的疑虑。Gongsun Long paid a visit to Mou, prince of the State of Wei, and asked him to solve his bewilderment.

一个令人激动的奇迹使她狂热。她时而害怕,时而沉醉,总是迷惆困惑。She was in a fever of tingling mystery, alternately frightened and charmed, and in constant bewilderment.

珂赛特把她两只凄惶欲绝的秀眼转过来望着他,不知所云地回答说Cosette turned toward him her beautiful eyes, all filled with anguish, and replied in a sort of bewilderment