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纽西兰航空公司来回奥克兰至罗托鲁瓦机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Auckland and Rotorua on NZ.

我在新西兰度过的第一个圣诞节是在惠灵顿。The first Christmas I experienced in NZ was not in AKL but Wellington.

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据新闻网站报导,他们现身处中国。They are reportedly in China now, according to news website

她还给了他一杯牛奶。“谢谢您,夫人。”他说。She gave him a tin cup of milk. nike shox nz"I thank you, lady, " he said.

简略特菲尔西蒙斯作为新西兰绿党的领导人之一曾经是红极一时的新闻人物。Jeanette Fitzsimons was big in the news for a while as the co-leader of the NZ Green Party.

秋天会有美国巡演。澳大利亚训练包括新西兰。正在讨论南美和其他国家的可能性。US tour will be in the Fall. Australia includes NZ. Discussing S. Africa & other countries.

现下一新纽西兰章著重于引进到那个国家的物种的捕食问题。Now a new NZ chapter focuses on predation problems of the species introduced to that country.

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我在新西兰度过的第一个圣诞节是在惠灵顿。拍了一些照片给大家看看。The first Christmas I experienced in NZ was not in AKL but Wellington. Some photos are taken for you.

哪里给的权力国家党可以不经国民意见与否去贩卖新西兰土地?What gives National the right to sell NZ land off without giving NZers a say in whether they approve?

比较结果摘要于以下表格中,显示出纽西兰鹿茸的品质居冠。Results are summarised in the table following, and show that the quality of NZ velvet is second to none.

毕竟,基督城的重建将刺激新西兰今年晚些时候以及到2012年的增长。After all, the re-build of Christchurch will act like a stimulus on the NZ economy later this year and into 2012.

来新西兰罗托鲁瓦这个美妙的热带度假胜地加入我们第8届新西兰澳大利亚智力残疾学会年会。Come and join us in the wonderful thermal resort of Rotorua, New Zealand, for the 8th Annual ASID- NZ Conference.

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新西兰是最钟爱投资套利外汇交易的国家之一,更高的利率无疑会促使新西兰货币价格上涨。The kiwi is one of the favorite carry trade investments, and higher rates in NZ would certainly help propel the currency higher.

代表组委会,我诚挚地邀请您参加于2011年在汉密尔顿举办的2011澳大利亚超声检查协会驻新西兰公司年会。On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to cordially invite you to register for the ASUM NZ 2011 Meeting in Hamilton.

凯阿和新西兰企业提出的赔偿承认,并庆祝成功新西兰和新西兰的朋友。Presented by Kea and NZ Trade and Enterprise, the awards recognize and celebrate successful New Zealanders and friends of New Zealand.

新西兰贸易品德规范中间主任罗杰·斯皮勒说,恒自然如那边理这场污染事务有不少成心思的处所。NZ Centre for Business Ethics director Rodger Spiller said there was alot of interest in how Fonterra would deal with the contamination issue.

新西兰商业德行典型中间主任罗杰·斯皮勒说,恒自然如何料理这场净化变乱有不少有乐趣的处所。NZ Centre for Business Ethics director Rodger Spiller said there was lots of interest in how Fonterra would dewouls with the contwoulminine issue.

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我需要一个像社会新闻网站,通知用户和新闻事件不断在新西兰基督城面积。I need a community news website like hawkesbaytoday. co. nz to inform the users of news and events going on in the area of Christchurch New Zealand.

“德文波特对此非常兴奋,很有可能我们还会和他们合作,把牛肉巧克力推向市场,”他对新闻网说道。"Devonport are very excited about it and it's highly likely that we'll partner with them and try to get it into the market, " he told Stuff. co. nz.

在新西兰生活方式是放松和随和的,因为你将会在那一个国家中找到在你周围有许多懒虫,所以你不必当认真工作的人。The lifestyle in NZ is relax and casual, you don't need to be a hard worker because you will find there are many slackers around you in that country.