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而这就是怀迪·布杰。and this is Whitey Bulger.

我是红红的苹果,猪二哥最爱吃了。I'm a red apple. Whitey likes me best.

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信任。她不会使你失望的!In the whitey . She won't let you down!

当我们的总统是黑人时,我们还能说“去他的白主子”吗?Can We Say 'Fuck Whitey ' If the President Is Black?

这里生长着古老的桃金娘树、本地种属的泪柏,还有稀有的白木。Here , ancient myrtle, endemic huon pines and rare whitey wood grow.

孩子们会取笑我,问我是否加入了马戏团,叫我“白种人”。Kids would tease me, asking if I was joining the circus and calling me "Whitey".

白佬巴尔杰是美国著名的通缉要犯,这已经是他的故事第二次被搬上大银幕了。Famed crime boss and fugitive Whitey Bulger is getting the big-screen treatment once again.

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在最近一个潮湿的下午,杰克·娜普站在高塔镇堤坝的高处,环视着密西西比河。On a recent humid afternoon, Jack "Whitey" Knupp stood atop GrandTower's levee, surveying the Mississippi.

不像那些定期焚地的印第安人,白人生态学者们坚决反对焚烧森里。Unlike the Indians, who had regularly burnt the region, the whitey eco-ists had steadfastly waged war against all forest fires.

我会在某一时刻走到你的身后,然后慢慢的拉下你的内裤,你的光屁股刚好露出来,你的外套和衬衫会刚好到你屁股的边上。At some point I will come up behind you and yank down your whitey fronts. Your bare bum will now just be visible below the hem of your jacket and your shirt tail.