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我们如接受其建议,无疑是自寻死路。Our receipt of the proposal was a bombshell.

吃罢早饭,多萝西投下了她的重磅炸弹。As they finished breakfast, Dorothy dropped her bombshell.

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当他告诉我他离婚时,真是晴天霹雳。He really dropped a bombshell when he told me he's divorced.

也许无须言语评论--她是终极意大利尤物。Needing no comment, probably—the ultimate Italian bombshell.

这个消息在某种程度上是重磅炸弹,但是却不那么出人意料。The news was, somehow, a bombshell and no surprise whatsoever.

一家智利电视节目甚至为每位矿工提供了一次出镜机会。Chilean TV bombshell has even offered to give each miner a lapdance.

一家智利电视节目甚至为每位矿工提供了一次出镜机会。A Chilean TV bombshell has even offered to give each miner a lapdance.

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火红色、引人注目的金黄色、或经典的深褐色,哪一个最适合您?Fiery red, bombshell blonde, or classic brunette —which suits you best?

穿一条极具魅力、紧裹身体凸显身材的炸弹裙让他们流口水吧!Make 'em drool—in a super-glamorous, body-hugging, figure-flattering bombshell dress.

那就是关于奥普拉。温弗瑞以及她上个月给她的观众们带来的重磅炸弹。It's about Oprah Winfrey and the bombshell she delivered to her audience late last month.

她现在在中心奥斯卡德豪雅洛杉矶炸弹,他理应构成笨手笨脚的。She is now at the center of the Oscar de la Hoya bombshell he supposedly posed for in drag.

不知是机缘巧合还是精心设计,她的这一令人吃惊的宣布来的恰是时机。She has by coincidence or design made the bombshell announcement at a very opportune moment.

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这是个出乎众人意料的爆炸性消息,让人觉得她很有可能永远成不了总统。This bombshell was unexpected, and makes it highly unlikely that she will ever be president.

Ceglia先生的炸弹突然到达,而Facebook的老板却在同一天收到了好消息。Mr Ceglia’s bombshell was dropped on the same day that Facebook’s boss received some better news.

随着年龄渐长,她这身服装也使得她比加冕街的贝特林奇看起来更“惊艳”。It's also ageing, leaving her looking more like Coronation Street's Bet Lynch than a blonde bombshell.

安吉丽娜一直在欺骗布拉德皮特——根据一项惊人的最新爆料,安吉丽娜和一大串不同的女人过从甚密。ANGELINA Jolie has been cheating on Brad Pitt – with a string of different WOMEN — according to a bombshell new report.

或许这些节目制作人应该改变下节目的方向,将迷恋小演员的金融家与性感美女‘企业家’速配。Maybe the television producers should tweak their show to match bombshell entrepreneurs with starlet-obsessed financiers.

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在这部电影里,碧姬·芭铎穿着合体的铅笔裙,衬衫式裙衫,绝对是获得了出乎人意料的成功。Brigitte Bardot is definitely at her bombshell best in this movie, wearing formfitting pencil skirts, blouses and shirt dresses.

国会里民主党新的力量的加入意味着如果没有特别惊爆的政治新闻,她的答复应该不会被质疑。The Democrats' new strength in Congress means that in the absence of a political bombshell her confirmation should not be in doubt.

也就是说,它是针对,1926年列夫托洛斯基发表的引起轰动的,文学与革命,而写的。In other words, it was written directly in the aftermath of a bombshell published by Leon Trotsky called Literature and Revolution in 1926.