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狱卒急切地观察着。The gaoler looked on eagerly.

那男人一脸期待地望着我。The man looked at me eagerly.

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我急切的等待着下一章的问世!I eagerly await the next chapter!

我使劲点了点头,她就开始画了。I nodded eagerly as she began to draw.

他急切贪婪地吸了一口烟。He eagerly snuffled a mouthful of smoke.

我们热切期待着飞机引擎声的出现。We eagerly await the sound of the engines.

我也急切地再次参与了这轮融资。I eagerly re-upped for this round, as well.

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“你们去那儿找什么?”西莫急切地问。"What were you after?" asked Seamus eagerly.

他急切地想以低价买到这件旧家具。She bargained eagerly for this old furniture.

下达后战士热烈响应。The soldiers responded eagerly to the orders.

“海鲢鱼,”他很起劲地回答道,“很好吃。”"Lady fish," he eagerly replied. "Very tasty!"

柯兰正急切地等待下一批测试产品。Eagerly awaiting the next test batch is Curran.

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因此我热切地观察他们的作为。So I eagerly watched to see what they would do.

口渴的人心急地喝了。Those thirsty people eagerly drank up the soup.

热心地追求真正解放拖延的任务。Eagerly pursue mission liberating hangups truly.

他渴望与各种人物同命运,共呼吸。He enters eagerly into the life of man, all men.

一群人急急地围着等着他们的小吃。A crowd had gathered eagerly awaiting their snacks.

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收藏家们对这些旧邮票都垂涎三尺。These old stamps are eagerly coveted by collectors.

她们都在急切地抢购各种鞋靴。They are eagerly trying to buy the shoes and boots.

现在我们非常急切地寻找“银鲳”。Now we are looking for "silver pomfret" very eagerly.