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你也可以看出我们是处于何等的地位。You see on what a footing we are.

我们的经济也有了更好的基础。And the economy is on a better footing.

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石头村成了众人落脚的地方。The stone village have become all footing.

这能为他们赢得整个航行中的地位。It gives them a footing for the whole voyage.

詹金斯夫人一脚踩空,跌倒在地。Mrs Jenkins missed her footing and fell over.

他已在商界取得立足之地。He has gained a footing in the commercial world.

要在那很陡的屋顶上找到立脚处很困难。It is difficult to get a footing on the steep roof.

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罗伯特失足滑下了河岸。Robert lost his footing and slithered down the bank.

他们同邻居们敦睦相处。They are on a friendly footing with their neighbors.

自动闭塞和落脚点钥匙材料估计。Automatic Block and Footing keys for material estimates.

将能源研究与开发的公共投资提到战备高度Put public investment in energy R&D on a wartime footing

直到经济反弹之前该公司都无法站稳脚跟。The firm won't regain its footing until the economy rebounds.

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只有平等的谈判才能谈出双赢的局面。Only by negotiation on equal footing can we make a win-win deal.

侦察排的战士到这时候又都腿脚不灵,步履不稳了。The men in recon were clumsy now and uncertain of their footing.

那些新人正是利用这种时机闯进来,取得立足之地的。It is just at such times that new people pushin and get a footing.

这份意向书的签署,使得该计划步上正轨。The letter of intent puts the initiative on a more formal footing.

你们的新产品在我们国家的市场上很有销路。Your new product has a strong footing in the market of our country.

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解放军空军小试身手,在前线站稳了脚跟。The PLA Air Force small test their skills in front of a firm footing.

他们所处的环境使他们难以在平等的基础上进行竞争。Their very environment militated against competing on an equal footing.

在「九二共识」的基础上平等协商。Such talks would be held on an equal footing under the "1992 consensus".