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产品供应的简化。Simplification of product offerings.

现在看起来有些过于简单化了。Now, that's a bit of a simplification.

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真理是减少简化后的。The truth is a reduction, a simplification.

所有这一切简化付出了一定的代价。All this simplification does come with a slight cost.

公共子表达式消除和代数简化Common Subexpression Elimination and Algebraic Simplification

精短化是诗歌发展的总趋势。Simplification is the general tendency to poetic development.

对此谨表歉意,请原谅!Apologies for that, and please excuse me for the simplification.

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我必须乞求宽恕其巧舌如簧简化,在某些情况下。I must beg forgiveness for its glib simplification in some cases.

TSP-ST是针对高校学生开发软件而专门制定的简化过程。The TSP- ST is a simplification of software development for students.

有些问题,是不能以“省略”或“用语求简”来掩饰的。Some problems can't be covered up with " abridge " or "simplification".

复杂的问题简单化一直都是解决问题的不二之门。The simplification of the complicated questions is the one-off solution.

排在AHIP计划清单榜首的就是“行政简化”——这家游说团体终于让步了。Topping the list of AHIP’s proposals was “administrative simplification.”

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因此所谓规范化实质上是概念的单一化。In a word, Normalization is essentially the simplification of conceptions.

组块的策略有简化策略、双码策略、外存策略。The chunking strategy has simplification , dual coding and outside memory.

用语求简,也不能不讲语法和逻辑。Simplification shouldn't neglect the phrasing the and the logic regulation.

最近在我的博客里密切关注的趋势之一就是“简单化”。One of the trends I am following constantly on my blog is the simplification.

汉字的简化是汉字发展的逻辑结果。Simplification is the logical result of the development of Chinese characters.

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这里没有一个循环,可能是因为图是一个简化而已。There are no loops here, which might be because the graphic is a simplification.

应用静电序列可以简化定性工作。Qualitative simplification has been suggested in the form of triboelectric series.

其保留有关电影的简化主题Kesey的小说。Their reservations related to the film's simplification of themes in Kesey's novel.