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我们都有湾未来。We all have a bight future.

我看着太阳,它非常的明亮刺眼。I am seeing the sun, it is very bight.

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多么明亮的狗眼!好可爱,是吗?So bight dog eyes , so lovely, right ?

所以,我有两个既聪明又漂亮的男孩。Therefore, I got two bight and handsome boys.

大厅既光彩夺目,又朦胧黑暗,即庄严肃穆,又是轻松愉快。The hall was so bight and dark, so grave and gay.

抓住绳圈的顶部,并把它穿过绳圈。Grab the tip of the bight and pull it through the loop.

这一天天上的圆月分外明亮特别的大特别的圆。The round moon is quite bight , big and round on that day.

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我就像一只趴在窗户上的苍蝇,前途一片光明,但却找不到出路。I am just a fly on the glass of window with a bight future but no way out.

拉紧绳环直到U型绳环达到大概6英寸长而且结已经紧了。Pull until the U-shaped bight is about 6-inches long and the knot is snug.

不要在星星下抱怨生活中缺乏色彩。Don't complain beneath the stars about the lack of bight sopts in your life.

我大可随波逐流,他想,管自睡去,预先把钓索在脚turtle翻译中文趾上绕上一圈,有动静时可以把我弄醒。I could just drift, he thought, and sleep and put a bight of line around my toe to wake me.

把绳环放在你左手拿的绳子的上方,然后穿过由它们组成的圈。Cross the bight over the two ropes you are holding in your left hand and through the loop that has formed.

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生物质能的开发利用有利于改善我们的生态环境,未来生物质能开发前景十分广阔。Biomass development is in the favor of environmental improvement , so it enjoys a bight prospect in exploration.

在阿拉斯加的拜特图腾国家公园中,那些很大的雪松图腾是被古代的特林基特部族及海达部族创造出来的。The large, cedar totems in Alaska's Totem Bight State Park were originally created by the ancient Tlingit and Haida tribes.

在大澳大利亚湾,一群稀有的澳大利亚海狮在清澈的水中优雅的翩翩起舞。Elegant dancers in the late afternoon rare australian sea lions circle and glide in the clear waters of the great australian bight.

在大澳大利亚湾,一群罕有的澳大利亚海狮在清澄的水中典雅的翩翩起舞。Elegant dancers in the late afternoon, rare Australian sea lions circle and glide in the clear waters of the Great Australian Bight.

澳大利亚中南部,维多利亚大沙漠以南和大澳大利亚湾以北的一个地区。A region of south-central Australia south of the Great Victoria Desert and north of the Great Australian Bight. It is the site of a major rocket research center.

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我注意到更多的想法出现了,既觉得讨厌又觉得自由了,讨厌是觉得我想卸下所有的包袱,自由是因为我发出明亮的阳光,我可以检查这些包袱并释放掉。Annoying, because I just want to be free from all this baggage. Liberating, because now I get to shine a bight light over them, and I can finally examine and releasing them.

认识中国近代高等教育演变的双重特征,有助于探索高等教育发展规律,为当今高等教育改革提供有益的历史借鉴。Recognition of these characteristics is beneficial to exploring the law of bight r education development, providing helpful historical reference to contemporary higher education reform.

利用此结论,可以知道,随着灯丝的变长,亮带不断外推,从而在测试屏幕上形成连续的亮区,这比较清楚地解释了测试屏幕上桃形亮区的形成机理。Therefore, along with the increasing of the filament length, the corresponding bight zone becomes larger and larger, and a continuously peach-form bright area can be formed on the test screen.