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Mucuna是一种草本类蔬菜。Mucuna is a herbaceous vegetable.

清新的迷迭香,青香,凉气,药草。Fresh rosemary, green, cooling, herbaceous.

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我们的花园四周种有草本植物。We have a herbaceous border round our Garden.

各种草本纤维植物都可以作为原料。Various herbaceous fibers all can act as raw materials.

攀缘草本植物,用作饲料或用于土壤改良。Herbaceous climbing plant valuable as fodder and for soil-building.

葡萄风信子别名葡萄百合,为多年生草本球根花卉。Grape hyacinthus, also named grape lily, is a perennial herbaceous flower.

浓密的叶和草质的当年小枝具乳突有毛。Leaves and herbaceous branchlets of current year densely papillate -hairy.

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芍药是多年生草本植物,而牡丹是落叶灌木。The peony is a herbaceous perennial, while the tree peony is a deciduous shrub.

它包含了广阔属草本植物,连灌木和小树木。It is a broad genus that contains herbaceous plants, shrubs and even small trees.

东昌府区草本野生植物资源丰富。The resourses of the herbaceous wild plants in Dongchang palace are in abundance.

亚麻是一种生长在北纬45度左右的草本植物。Flax is a kind of growing up in about 45 degrees north latitude and herbaceous plants.

一定的紧张度是支撑草本植物和其他非木质化组织的主要力量。Turgidity is the main means of support of herbaceous plants and other unlignified tissues.

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阿尔泰狗哇花为根蘖型菊科多年生无性系草本植物。Heteropappus altaicus is a root sucker type perennial herbaceous clonal plant of compositae.

灌木层种数减少,草本层种数增加。The plant species in bush layer reduced, while the herbaceous layer plant species increased.

用杨树毒汁接种能感染多种草本植物。The poplar viral sap can infect Nicotiana tobacum, N. glutinosa and other herbaceous plants.

酒色呈绚丽的宝石红色,有浓郁的香草气息和浆果的混合味道及有可人的辛香料味。Marvelous dark and deep ruby colour, with herbaceous bouquet and rich longlasting berry flavour.

群落可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层和层间层。The community can be structurally divided into arborous layer, shrub layer and herbaceous layer.

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目的观察本草养颜膏对大鼠皮肤的毒性作用。Objective To observe the toxicity effects of herbaceous beauty parlour cream on the skin of rats.

丹宁充足,浓郁黑浆果、黑松露、香甜橡木和香草特性。Sufficient tannins structure, intense black berries, truffle, sweet oak and herbaceous characters.

大丽花是一种普受民间喜爱的球根草花植物。Dahlia hortensis Guill is a kind of herbaceous flower with bulbus radicular, which is very popular.