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我认为自然界并非无限富足。I do not believe that Nature is limitlessly bountiful.

但对于少数开明的老板来说,则收益颇多。But for the enlightened few, the benefits are bountiful.

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他听到了一个爆炸性的技术就是他可以通过手机的某项功能知道小麦的现时的市场价格。And he hears rumours of an even more bountiful technology.

还有一棵又大又漂亮的樱桃树,它的枝叶投下了很大一片阴凉。A big and bountiful cherry tree shaded much of the back yard.

然而,对富饶的西海岸的梦想激励著乔德一家继续前进。But the dream of a bountiful West Coast urged the Joads onward.

它们的旅行会把它们带到安全而丰裕的繁殖地。Their travel would take them to safe and bountiful breeding grounds.

我祝您有个充满喜乐和富裕的佳节。I extend my warmest wishes to you for a joy-filled and bountiful season.

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1621年秋天,玉米、大麦等作物获得大丰收。In the autumn of 1621, bountiful crops of corn and barley were harvested.

在冰岛,丰富Kolgrima河写上了其向海的道路地球。In Iceland the bountiful Kolgrima River inscribes the earth on its seaward path.

我们是这块辽阔而火热土地上受到赐辐的人,也是被诅咒的人。We are at once the blessed and cursed inheritors of a fierce and bountiful land.

开放的心态,欢愉的表情,进取得精神,富厚的收成.。An open mind, a cheerful disposition, an enterprising spirit and a bountiful harvest.

恩肖先生吃了一大盘,女主人则很热情的说着话,让气氛很愉快。Earnshaw carved bountiful platefuls, and the mistress made them merry with lively talk.

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恩肖先生吃了一大盘,女主人则很热情的说着话,让气氛很愉快。Mr. Earnshaw carved bountiful platefuls , the mistress made them merry with lively talk.

恩萧先生切着大盘的肉,女主人的谈笑风生使他们高兴起来。Mr Earnshaw carved bountiful platefuls, and the mistress made them merry with lively talk.

他们划船到了海岸边,开始准备寻宝,幻想着能找到好大一笔财宝。They rowed to the shore and began there to measure, hoping to unearth a bountiful treasure.

但是由于缅甸丰富的资源和重要的战略位置,仍时刻引起北京方面的关注。Yet Myanmar’s bountiful resources and strategic location still command Beijing’s attention.

恩肖先生吃了一大盘,女主人则很热情的说着话,让气氛很愉快。Mr. Earnshaw carved bountiful platefuls , and the mistress made them merry with lively talk.

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因为,虽然他们认识的单词不少,可还需要接受语法和句子结构的指导。For, although they were bountiful in words, they were want of grammar or sentence construction.

同时,它也为诗歌界及学术研究提供了系统而丰富的文本。Meanwhile, it also provide systematic and bountiful text for poetics circle and scholastic studies.

这最后一批大量的收获来自各家的园圃,晚熟的甜玉米,番茄,还有各种根茎类蔬菜。The last bountiful yield comes from the garden, the late sweet corn, the tomatoes, the root vegetables.