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所有的眼光都落在演出者身上。All eyes were on the performer.

胡跃是最安静的演出者。Huyue is the quietest performer.

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他觉得弹奏得很不错,于是向演奏者留下了自己的地址。He gave the performer his address.

也许这正是你作为一名艺人的能量所在。Maybe that's your power as a performer.

主持人,竹笛演奏者,观众。Host, Performer of Bamboo Flute, Audience.

瓦奴亚拉瓦岛上表演蛇舞的人。Snake dance performer on Vanua Lava Island.

街上表演对于街上艺人来说是一项有乐趣的活动。Busking is a fun activity for the performer.

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街头表演对于街头艺人来说是一项有乐趣的活动。Busking is a fun activity for the performer.

伊莱莎克拉克获最佳表演奖。Elisa Clark wined the reward of best performer.

这个马戏团的演员完成了一件不可思议的特技。The circus performer pulled an incredible stunt.

在表演中的表演者支支吾吾。The performer faltered in the middle of the show.

今年银价表现冲第一,涨幅是黄金的三倍.The number one performer this year has been silver.

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然后我们要把那个拍子向演奏者说明Then we want to indicate that meter to the performer.

观众用哄笑把那个表演者赶出了剧场。The audience laughed the performer out of the theatre.

在接受了颁奖之后,这位表演者真是喜不自禁。After receiving the award, the performer was really up.

洁玫听起来有点像一个街舞表演者的名字。Jaymay might sound like the name of a hip-hop performer.

音乐往往依赖表演者的技艺。Music is often dependent on the ablity of the performer.

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这个青年演员自称是个多面手。The young performer boasted himself to be an all-rounder.

表演者表示酒瓶子的一张照片和玻璃。The performer shows a picture of a wine bottle and a glass.

这个演员被认为是个勇敢的戏剧演员。The actor was considered as a mettlesome dramatic performer.