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沥青价格节节上涨,卷材企业路在何方?。With bitumen price soaring, where is a way out?

与沥青和煤焦油磁漆浸透良好。It's compatible with impregnating bitumen and coal tar enamel.

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直理式阀门外表面采用环氧煤沥青防腐处理,能与管线同寿命。Epoxy coal bitumen and can be the same duration as the pipeline.

这些材料或者是沥青,或者是一层水泥薄浆,还可能是某些其他的材料。This may be bitumen or a grout of concrete or some other substance.

事实上,这种特性的原油只适宜于生产沥青。In fact, a speciality crude is suitable only for bitumen production.

该方法用到一片铜片,上面用光敏感的沥青覆盖。The method involves a piece of copper covered with light sensitive bitumen.

研究了精细胶粉改性沥青的主要性能。The major properties of the fine rubber powder modified bitumen were studied.

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这类红藻石的中心部分被沥青充填。These rhodoids are called "Bitumen biscuit" as the core is filled by bitumen.

但在我说明我们发现,让我告诉你吃块煤。But before I explain what we discovered, let me tell you about eating bitumen.

本条沥青灌装线专门用于灌装沥青等高温液体。Auto bitumen filling line is used to fill and seal high temperature bitumen etc.

基于室内测试结果,提出了橡胶沥青技术要求。Be based on indoor test result, raised requirement of balata bitumen technology.

用沥青隔热的篮子是用以发酵和贮存啤酒的。Heat-proof baskets lined with bitumen were used for fermenting and storing beer.

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下了一天雨后,街灯的光芒在水渍的沥青路面上闪烁着。After a rainy day, the street lights glimmered over the water-soaked little bitumen road.

订位的透度计是根据12个不同的“沥青”的方法测量。The Penetrometer PNR 12 is suitable for measurements according various "Bitumen" methods.

公路就如同一条九英尺宽的沥青带子消失在地平线尽头跳动的空气中。The road is a nine-foot-wide ribbon of bitumen that disappears into a shimmering horizon.

高粘性的开式齿轮润滑剂。无溶剂和沥青。CEPLATTYN SF 30 Sprayable, high viscous lubricant for open gears. Free of solvent and bitumen.

专门代理塑胶及化学原料,如ABS、稳定剂、沥青等。Trades and merchandises plastic materials and chemicals, such as ABS, stabilizers and bitumen.

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在新的工程中最常用的技术,则是往地下的沥青中注入蒸汽。The most common technique in new projects involves injecting the bitumen with steam underground.

本文还采用水玻璃、沥青为固化剂对铬渣的处理进行了研究。Water glass and bitumen as solidification agents to treat with chromium waste are also researched.

钴分子聚合物箱体,箱体内壁高阻尼涂层,独立箱体结构,杜绝单元声染。Corian polymer cabinet, coated inside with bitumen substance. Separate cabinet for each drive unit.