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剑桥,学院街。Cambridge, Trinity street.

三位一体教义。The Doctrine of the Trinity.

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三一学院从未亏待过我。Trinity had never been unkind to me.

这就是我在三位一体教堂体验到的情形。That has been my experience at Trinity.

寄出开给三一学院的支票。Send a cheque made out to Trinity College.

在圣三一学院从不缺少舞会。There is no shortage of partying at Trinity.

1923年,他升入了都柏林三一学院。In 1923, he moved on to Trinity College Dublin.

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这本书是三一学院最大的珍宝。The Book is Trinity College's greatest treasure.

你可以从三合桥上步行穿过这条河。You can walk across the river over Trinity Bridge.

1661年,牛顿进入著名的剑桥“三一学院”。Newton entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661.

或者卡拉丁是前一个“成三”事件的3号?Or was Carradine No. 3 in a previous trinity of death?

特拉华州则要求发誓相信三位一体的宗教信仰原则。Delaware required an oath affirming belief in the Trinity.

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例如1945年时,美国所进行的「三一试爆」,爆炸当量就约有20千吨。S. 's 1945 "Trinity" test had a yield of about 20 kilotons.

这个岛的名字在希腊语中称为“特里亚达”或者“三位一体”。The island's name in Greek is Agia Triada, or Holy Trinity.

一个夜晚在三一学院的后厅,牛顿被安妮女王授予爵士荣誉。One night in Trinity after Hall he is knighted by Queen Anne.

所以,凡要得救的人必须如此想到三位一体的神。He therefore that will be saved must thus think of the Trinity.

三位一体的父、子、圣灵是至高无上,统管万有的。The holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit reigns supreme.

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宝血会上智英文书院的同学介绍她们的设计模型。Students of Holy Trinity College presented their model and design.

尼欧的「地狱」,某部分是指他钟爱的崔妮蒂牺牲了性命。Part of his 'hell' is the sacrificial death of his beloved Trinity.

这五位少女回到特利尼逖录音公司开始了训练。These five girls returned to Trinity Studios to start the training.