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一个人曾经是痞子。A person once was a ruffian.

他同歹徒进行了搏斗。He struggled with the ruffian.

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他猛击歹徒的脑壳。He whomped the ruffian on the skull.

日本人是彻头彻尾的流氓恶棍!Japan is dye-in-the-wood of ruffian and cur!

在恶棍找我麻烦时,他帮我渡过了那次难关。He helped me over the difficulty with the ruffian.

勇敢的警察正在与那个歹徒博斗。The brave policeman is fighting hand to hand with the ruffian.

所有的人,除了马吕斯之外,都认为德纳第是个匪徒。Thenardier was a ruffian in the eyes of all the world except Marius.

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我在剧中演一个有点痞的还搞笑的角色,但其实是一个好人。I played a funny ruffian in this series. But actually he is a good guy.

完全打乱痞子英雄办案的节奏。She disrupts the rhythm completely which how Ruffian &Hero handles a case.

同宿舍几个光棍开始搞对象了,唯有瘦猴还是老大难。A few ruffian begin chummery make a target, only poor clever boy or long-standing.

斯威辛并没有回头,要他停下车来帮这个恶棍,他决计做不来。Swithin did not look round, on no account would he have pulled up to help the ruffian.

在经过一段路灯昏暗的小巷时,一群比我们更痞的痞子烂住了我们。After a street in the dark alley, a group of ruffian ruffian than the bad we live in us.

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卡兹尼先生说,官方认为米德尔顿是一个“嗜酒的恶棍”和“声明狼藉的人”。Mr Casely said academics described Middleton as a "hard-drinking ruffian" and "notorious".

痞子与英雄在一场警匪追逐的混战中,荒谬初会。Ruffian and Hero, in a police bandit pursues in tangled warfare, had their absurd first meeting.

每次同宿舍几个光棍去外面瞎逛,他就专门盯漂亮女孩看。Every time chummery a few ruffian go out ramble foolishly, he stares at beautiful girl technically to look.

痞子与英雄,正是两个不断与黑暗对抗,同时点燃光明的两个警察。Ruffian and Hero, are precisely two unceasing and the dark resistance, simultaneous firing bright two policemen.

老百姓传言是一头残暴的狼,说它拥有强大的力量,狡猾至极,足以逃脱猎人的追捕。The local people thought it must be a ruffian wolf which had great power and was foxy enough to escape the hunting.

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在语言上,王朔最有创意的就是庞大的雅、俗、痞相结合的语言系统。Wang's verbal features lie In his creation of language system in which elegant, common, ruffian languages are Integrated.

同朋客一样,在很多时候,人们分不出谁是电脑空间的痞子,谁是真正的黑客。The same as the friend guest, frequently, it is the ruffian in the Cyberspace who people can not tell, Who is the real hacker.

梅莉的弟弟梅英与街痞打架,萧文借处理梅英的事追求梅莉。Little brother Mei Ying of Mei Li and street ruffian fight, the issue that Xiao Wen lends processing Mei Ying goes after Mei Li.