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还有什么事情能把他耽搁在诺兰庄园呢?What else can detain him at Norland?

我们只好把他扣起来,讯问他一下。We shall have to detain him and question him.

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语言史前史不需要扣留我们。The prehistory of languages need not detain us.

找到那个缠着绷带的光头男人并扣留他!Find the bald guy with the sling and detain him!

我可以追过去破口大骂,或者双膝跪地挽留他。I can catch the last shout abuse, or knees to detain him.

你们没有什么根据拘留络根先生,更不用说脱他的衣服了。You had no grounds to detain Mr. Logan let alone disrobe him.

不可私自留客住宿和转让床位。Three. Not to detain a guest accommodation and bed transferring.

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没什么可以阻挡我或使我离开早晨的送报路线。Nothing could detain me or make me deviate from my morning route.

安全官员立马冲进主通道,扣留了该名女子。Security officials rushed down the main aisle to detain the woman.

用滴胶做押花工艺品最是好看。Using a glue to do detain to spend handicraft is good-looking most.

在塞尔维亚的贝尔格莱德,防暴警察在一场反同性恋的抗议活动中拘留了一个男人。Riot police detain a man during an anti-gay protest in Belgrade, Serbia.

政府把犯罪关在监狱直到他们不会再对社会构成威胁。The government detain lawbreakers till they will not threaten the society.

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机动车号牌应当按照规定悬挂并保持清晰、完整,不得故意遮挡、污损。No entity or individual shall confiscate or detain any motor vehicle plate.

在法国中部里昂市的暴乱中,防暴警察逮捕了一名青年。Riot police officers detain a youth during clashes in Lyon, central France.

他们有权利拘捕你并把你遣回原住地。They have the power to detain you and send you back to where you came from.

“得了,得了,我亲爱的爱德蒙,”船主又说,“我不耽搁你了。"Well, well, my dear Edmond," continued the owner, "don't let me detain you.

他回家迟了两小时,说是因事留在办公室里。He get home two hour late and say he have is detain in the office by business.

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士兵不得非法逮捕平民,或在军事设施中拘留平民。Soldiers should not unlawfully arrest and detain civilians in military facilities.

长达30年之久的紧急状态应当结束了,不能以此为由继续钳制和审查批评意见了。The 30-year-old state of emergency that has allowed it to detain and censor all critics must end.

哈吉金森表示,美国的政策是,只要可能,不会将一名青少年拘押超过一年以上。Hodgkinson says U.S. policy is not to detain a juvenile for more than a year whenever practicable.