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灌木已结浆果。The shrub has berried.

玫瑰是一种常青灌木或藤本植物。A rose is a perennial shrub or vine.

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类似柽柳的一种欧亚灌木。Eurasian shrub resembling the tamarisk.

是锦葵科黄槿属常绿灌木。Malvaceae Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub.

血雉喜选择灌木夜栖。Blood Pheasant preferred to roost in shrub.

在很短的,浓密的灌木丰富的深红色玫瑰花。Rich crimson rosettes on a short, bushy shrub.

坚固的山灌木,与格林兰喇叭茶类似。Rocky Mt. shrub similar to Ledum groenlandicum.

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山腰上有一小块常绿灌木丛。There is a small evergreen shrub on the hillside.

欧洲灌木,白色或玫瑰红色花冠,黑色浆果。Asiatic shrub cultivated for its rosy red flowers.

欧洲普通的矮灌木,有紫红色的花。Common low European shrub with purple-red flowers.

虽有无数多的灌木栎树的枯叶子,却并不发出沙沙声。Of myriads of dry shrub oak leaves, not one rustles.

每朵花、每株草、每棵树、每丛灌木都被赋予了意义。Each flower, herb, tree, or shrub was assigned a meaning.

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黑桫椤在灌木层中占优势地位。G. podophylla was the dominant species in the shrub layer.

沙生灌木的平茬是生长不可缺少的环节。Cutting sandy shrub is an indispensable step that it grows.

阔叶长绿灌木,如月桂、北美杜鹃花等。Broadleaf evergreen shrub such as laurel, rhododendron, etc.

落叶灌木类,如丁香、绣线菊、绣球花等。Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea, etc.

研究了沙地灌木柄扁桃根系的水分共享状况。Roots water sharing of sandy shrub Prunus pedunculata Maxim.

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观赏类型分为乔木、小乔木和灌木。The fancy types are divided into tree, small tree and shrub.

落叶灌木类,如丁香、绣线菊、绣球花等。Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea , etc.

研制出一种收割沙生灌木作业机。A kind of wide breadth desert shrub reaper has been developed.