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本发明公布了一种橡皮泥笔。The invention discloses a plasticine pen.

他用手指把代用粘土弄软了。He softened up the plasticine with his fingers.

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那个小男孩正将橡皮泥捏成小狗的形状。The boy is kneading the plasticine into the shape of a dog.

此外,作者利用传统木偶和塑性黏土以及。Besides, the author makes use of traditional puppets and plasticine as well.

有一天我用橡皮泥做了一个小东西,父母称赞了我。One day I made a little object in plasticine and my parents said it was good.

很快有人指导她学会混和用色来捏小橡皮泥模型。Soon she was being instructed how to mix and use colors and shape small plasticine models.

我唯一能建议的是大家一定要像制作粘土或者橡皮泥玩具一样反复的用羊毛进行实验。The only thing I can suggest is experiment with wool as you would with clay or plasticine.

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像这种橡皮泥效果现在来讲已经被认可了,在视觉上已经非常大众化了。It is now very much a house-style, a recognised style, that plasticine effect. I mean look.

摩托车油泥模型被以日本为代表的许多国家广泛采用。The plasticine model for motorcycle is widely used in the world with Japan as the representative.

此文用塑性泥作模拟材料,进行了压扭复合锻造和不对称V型砧拔长的工艺实验。The experiments of twist-compression forging and unsymmetrical V-shape die forging are made using plasticine.

在起跳板之前是块可塑板,宽约4英寸,运动员的脚印会被印上。Beyond this board is a plasticine board, about four inches wide, on which athletes' footprints may be spotted.

“得过且过”是越来越多疲惫的年轻白领的生活信条,他们被称为“橡皮人”。"One day at a time" might be the motto for a growing group of fatigued young, white-collar Chinese known as plasticine men.

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所有的角色都用金属模型里的雕塑黏土制作,拍摄成定格黏土动画。All the characters were made from moulded plasticine modelling clay on metal armatures, and filmed with stop motion clay animation.

本文表明,塑性泥不但是一种便宜,而且是一种十分有用的模拟热态钢塑性流动的材料。It is shown that the plasticine is not only a cheap but also a usefull material for the imitation for the plastic flow of the hot steel.

类似的迷信风潮以前也出现过。2006年发生军事政变后,当地曾流行过泥塑护身符,据说能带来财运。Such fades have happened before. After a 2006 coup, many people turned to plasticine amulets, or charms, in the belief they would bring riches.

用塑性泥模拟了圆柱体的镦粗和压扭工艺,观察了工件内部孔洞性缺陷的演变过程。Both upsetting and processes are simulated by using plasticine as model material, the evolution process of the cavities in the cylinder is observed.

自从这首歌在1967年首次问世,其中提到的“万花筒的眼睛”“泥土搬运工”“棉花糖馅饼”总是和毒品联系在一起。Since its debut in 1967, the famous song, which mentions "kaleidoscope eyes", "plasticine porters", and "marshmallow pies", has always been associated with the drug acid.

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中国人民大学坦率直言的社会学教授周孝正说,中国白领阶层中出现越来越多的“橡皮人”,这一点不令人吃惊。If there is a growing group of plasticine men among China's white-collar class, it is hardly surprising, said outspoken sociology professor Zhou Xiaozheng of Renmin University in Beijing.

中国人民大学一贯坦率直言的社会学教授周孝正说,中国白领阶层中出现越来越多的“橡皮人”,这一点不令人吃惊。If there is a growing group of "plasticine men" among China's white-collar class, it is hardly surprising, said outspoken sociology professor Zhou Xiaozheng of Renmin University in Beijing.