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他偶尔不修边幅。He is a slob occasionally.

我偶尔投资共同基金。I invest in them occasionally.

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我有时做噩梦。I have nightmares occasionally.

你很少坦诚地说话。You occasionally talked very honestly.

善词章,偶有佳篇。Good word chapter, occasionally Jiapian.

我甚至偶尔在离家的时候吻别。I even occasionally kiss away from home.

偶尔,流星在表面弹出了坑。Occasionally meteors crater the surface.

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偶尔错落在荒野里,是谁?Occasionally falls in wilderness, is who?

我们之间偶尔也会有一番争论。Disputes occasionally occurred between us.

我偶尔能够抢到篮板球或投篮得分。I can rebound and I can score occasionally.

农夫们偶尔会犁出古印度的遗迹。Farmers occasionally plow up landman relics.

我偶尔晚上出去看看戏。He occasionally condescended to take bribes.

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他有时堕落到受贿的地步。He occasionally condescended to take bribes.

他偶尔也自贬身价接受贿赂。He occasionally condescended to take bribes.

夏季偶尔有冰雹。Occasionally there are hailstorms in summer.

肝脾偶见肿大。Liver is lienal see occasionally intumescent.

打开它偶尔纾缓压力。Open it occasionally to relieve the pressure.

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人为什么有时候会感觉得累?Factitious what can feel tiredly occasionally?

他有时候也极力为我说情。He had occasionally tried to intercede for me.

这偶尔也是你可以提供的最好的帮助。It is also occasionally the best hel can give.