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可以在NUnit和控制台中运行的测试both NUnit and console runnable tests

该位对应着优先级最高的可执行进程。This bit corresponds to the highest priority task that is runnable.

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葰有可运垳菂线程根据优先级保持在不同菂池中。All thread that are runnable are kept in pools according to priority.

事实上,时间片是为每一个运行态的进程分配处理器的时间的一片。The timeslice, in effect, gives each runnable process a slice of the processor's time.

你初建的社区至少需要一个可以运行和测试的东西。Your nascent developer community needs to have something runnable and testable to play with.

下面的代码本质上是由先前所有的代码示例组合而成的一个可运行程序。The following code essentially combines all our prior code examples into one runnable program.

您需要构建该应用程序,确保它是可运行的,这样才能继续学习本文的示例。You'll need to have that application built and runnable in order to proceed with the examples here.

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r——在所选择的任意采样间隔期间的平均可运行内核线程数。r -- The average number of runnable kernel threads over whatever sampling interval you have chosen.

我们建议您阅读源代码,看看我们所讨论的理论如何实现为可运行的代码。We recommend you browse the source and see the ideas we have been discussing implemented as runnable code.

因此,每个可运行的任务都会追赶其他任务以维持整个可运行任务集合的执行平衡。Therefore, each runnable task chases the other to maintain a balance of execution across the set of runnable tasks.

红黑树的叶子不包含信息,但是内部节点代表一个或多个可运行的任务。Leaves in a red-black tree contain no information, but internal nodes represent one or more tasks that are runnable.

是的,请务必谨记在MVC模型中,所有的执行都要经过控制器,视图自身是不能运行的。Well, remember with the MVC model, all execution goes through the controller, the views themselves are not runnable.