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准备工资表。Prepare the Payroll Sheet.

我们进行了全面的工资表审核。A full payroll audit was conducted.

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工资管理系统代替了计时员。Payroll systems replaced time clerks.

学生们没见过详细工资单。Students didn't see the detailed payroll.

准备会计凭证制作工资表。Prepare journal voucher to take up? payroll.

他的名字重新被列到正式工资单上。His name was reentered on the official payroll.

在那以前的工作中我做过工资表。I did the payroll in the job I had before that.

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工资银行帐户是否是贷款性质的帐号?Is the payroll bank account on an imprest basis?

妮米兹削减了自己的工资,并且找了一家银行贷款。Nemeth cut her payroll and found a bank to help.

给予高收入者较大幅度的收入税减免。Gives high earners big breaks on the payroll tax.

8月份公布的主要经济数据是美国非农人口就业数据。Key data on the table is August non-farm payroll data.

工资表上要有员工标我署名。There should be signatures on the payroll from workers.

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那是否要在贵行有工资转账户头呢?。Is it necessary to have a payroll account with your bank?

司库携公司工资总额之部分潜逃了。The treasurer decamped with part of the company's payroll.

直到他把你的名字写入薪水册后,你再做那件工作。PAYROLL】Don't do the work until he puts you on the payroll.

1971年薪金税由联邦政府转至由州政府征收。In 1971 the Commonwealth handed over payroll tax to the states.

这些带面具的人拦劫了那个职员,还把发薪薄带走了。The masked me help up the clerk and made away with the payroll.

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公司在发不出工资时,会给员工开写一定的凭证。A company would voucher employees when the payroll cannot be met.

当时在工资表上我雇有一个律师,我躲在幕后。At the time i had a lawyer on payroll and i hid behind the action.

工资单上一部分是原工资,一部分是实发工资。The firm's payroll has one field for gross pay and one for net pay.