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一片片金灿灿的颜色,满树沉甸甸的果实都是秋的馈赠。Golden color of a piece, are the fruits of Ilex heavy autumn gift.

枸骨为冬青科常绿植物,分布在中国南方大部分地区。Ilex Cornuta is evergreen holly plant , found in most parts of southern China.

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有关枸骨叶中活性化学成分的研究,已有文献报道过。Ilex Cornuta leaves active chemical constituents, have been reported in the literature.

秋的使者来到果园,看那满树的柿子换上新衣,羞得脸蛋通红。The messenger came to the orchard in autumn, the persimmon Ilex look put new clothes, red face.

本发明涉及中药领域,公开了一种毛冬青提取物、提取物的制备及应用。The invention discloses an Ilex pubescens extract, and a preparation method and an application thereof.

在海南儋州进行苦丁茶引种试验。An experiment of introduction and cultivation of Ilex latifolia was conducted in Danzhou, Hainan in 1996.

虽然我每天都注意观察,但还是不知何时,那些花苞已经全部绽放,带来满树的雪白。Although I have to observe the day, but still do not know when, who have all been blooming bud, bring the white Ilex.

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结果表明,儋州地区适宜种植苦丁茶,且能获得较高产量。The results showed that it was suitable for cultivating Ilex latifolia in Danzhou area and high yield could be attained.

本文就近年来国内外对苦丁茶冬青叶的化学成分及药理作用的研究进展作一综述。This paper presents a review of the recent progress in chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Ilex kudincha C. J. Tseng.

系冬青科冬青属植物苦丁茶的干燥叶,在我国南部民间作药用,具有减肥、降血压等功效。Tsing , one of the species in the Ilex genus, has been used in China as diuretic and remedy for sore throat, weight loss and hypertension.

通过离体的蟾蜍心脏,观察到复方毛冬青有降低心肌收缩幅度及减慢心率的作用。Ilex Fubescens Co, can also significantly reduce the heart rate and lower the amplitude of cardiac contraction of the isolated toad hearts.

提示毛冬青主要用于心脑血管疾病的治疗,在临床上具有广阔的应用前景。It indicated that Ilex phescens had an effect mainly on the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and a prospect on clinical use is reported.

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近5年来,从冬青属植物中分离得到51种新化合物,绝大多数被鉴定为三萜及其皂甙,并显示其独特的生物活性。At least 51 new constituents have been isolated from Ilex in recent five years, most of which were identified as triterpenoids showing various biological activities.

狭叶冬青是我国北方地区优良的常绿阔叶绿化树种,具有较高观赏价值,开发前景广阔。Ilex fargesii Franch is a kind of fine green evergreen board leaved trees in north parts of China. Both Endowed with higher ornamental values and has the splendid future.

文章综述了毛冬青在心血管、脑组织保护、抗炎免疫等方面的药理研究进展。This article reviewed the research progresses on pharmacological effects of Ilex phescens in the field of cardiovascular, brain protection, anti-inflammation and immune system, etc.