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不知怎的,我和他就是合不来。He and I are somehow out of synch.

是否需要同步受保护的实际值?。Do you want to synch to protected actuals ?

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结果造成,你和你的听众不同步。The result is that you and the audience are out of synch.

从远处看,你无法分辨嘴唇是否完全同步。At a distance you can't even tell the lips don't synch up properly.

这会使映像的管理和保持节点同步更加轻松。Makes it easier to administer images and easier to keep nodes in synch.

于是叔叔把电池给拔了下来然后尝试同步。He then proceeded to take the batteries out of the remote, then try to synch it.

建议为您的系统安装正确的时间同步工具。We recommend that you find the correct time synch tool for your operating system.

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然而国内股票市场盘旋下跌,并脱离了与全球同步的趋势,急剧下挫。Yet domestic stock markets have spiralled downwards and lurched wildly out of synch with global trends.

在需要的时候,您可以将产品列表与远程服务器进行同步,但是大多数情况下,使用的还是还是本地缓存。Once in a while, you can synch products list from the remote server but you will mostly use local cache.

新款的MobileMe服务将会免费,并且用户可以不用数据线就可以将文件同步。The new version of MobileMe is expected to be free and would allow users to synch their files without using a cable.

通过利用恢复协议,在艰难时期,我们可以与我们整个的视界、价值和目标保持同步。By using a Recovery Protocol, we can stay in synch with our overall vision, values, and goals during the rough times.

我用电话指挥他做这做那,把电池盖从遥控器上拔下来,然后按读取按钮。I was telling him directions over the phone, to take the battery cover off the remote and press the read synch button.

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但当彼此的魔力渐渐消失后,当生活不断继续,你们慢慢的各奔东西,失去了联系后,你还会有这样的感觉吗?But what happens when the magic is gone? What happens when life happens and you slowly lose touch and get out of synch?

有证据表明在美国山百合花期似乎与大黄蜂授粉不同步。Flowering times of mountain lilies in the US appear to be out of synch with their bumble bee pollinators, evidence suggests.

这个软件可以使我们的生活从那些浪费时间的软件中回到同步。This tool could get our lives out of the asynchronicity that these time-wasting tools have wrought, and put our lives back in synch.

该协会说,从1999年开始到最近几年,原子时和天文时一直处于同步状态,所以不需要增加一个闰秒。Since 1999 until recently, the two time standards have been in close enough synch to escape any need to add a leap second, NIST said.

这些益处是要付出代价的,比如我们需要调整一些里程碑周期以与其余项目保持同步。These benefit comes with some costs, such as we need to rush some of our milestone cycle to be in synch with the rest of the project.

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服务消费者和提供者共享一个服务接口定义工程,其保证了两者的同步。Service consumer and provider implementations share the same service interface definition project, which ensures keeping them in synch.

美国科学家希望改变现行系统,亦即透过每隔约18个月添增1闰秒,让时钟与太阳时保持一致。US scientists want to change the current system, which keeps clocks in synch with solar time by adding a leap second every 18 months or so.

这些肖像与流行的色彩艳丽的时尚画面大相径庭,但是却和这十年间盛行的极简主义者的趋势相吻合。The portraits operated against the flash and color of the popular fashions, but were in synch with the decade's Minimalist aesthetic trends.