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细纱机粗纱架上的粗纱太细。Jammed roving bobbins at ring frame creel.

她依然相信有圣诞老人,要使她这一幻想破灭还真于心不忍。She still believes in Santa Claus and it would be creel to disillusion her.

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我在寻找能够整体出售,价格合理的,加叙勋扣的,不同样式、颜色、风格的捕鱼鱼篓。I am looking for whole sale priced fishing creel different sizes, colors, and styles and clasps ok!

一位环保员回忆他年轻时在加利福尼亚草莓溪筑水坝的经历时,双眼熠熠闪光。A conservationists eyes sparkle as he recalls building dams on Strawberry Creel in the California of his youth.

因此有必要将纱线从卷装上退绕下来,再按所需的根数卷绕到经轴上。In the case of warping, this means that the ballooning of the yarn coming from the creel package must be controlled.

而正是在这样的背景中,顾立雅展示了他优秀的研究才能,成为上个世纪美国汉学界的重要代表人物。G. Creel showed his excellent study ability and became an important figure in the history of sinology study in American.

“大战的战争机器没有哪一部分是我们没触及到的,”克里尔说,“没有哪一种有助于赢得支持的手段是我们没使用过的。”"There was no part of the great war machinery that we did not touch, " Creel said, "no medium of appeal that we did not employ.

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中国学者关于先秦县的设置的研究久已有之,但是顾立雅代表汉学家的思路。Chinese scholars on the Pre-Qin Dynasty set up county study of long-established, but the representative Creel Sinologists ideas.

第一是占地面积,筒子架必须安装在车间内,因此就必须使用该车间的设备。The first of these is floor space. A creel must be housed in the building and therefore it necessarily uses some of the facilities of that building.

筒子架可以按每根纱线的供纱筒子的个数分类,采用这种分类方法,筒子架可分为单式筒子架和复式筒子架两种。Creels may be classified by the number of creel positions per end supplied. Using this classification, creels are either single or multiple package creels.

顾立雅认为经世治国之术的主要内容是管理官员的能力,包括官员的人数和监督、考绩的手段。Creel said he thought the world the main elements of statecraft is to manage the capacity of officials, including officials, the number of and supervision of performance means.