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同时他也很擅长文学。And he was very literary.

你觉得文学社怎么样?How about the Literary Club?

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只是文学遗产么?Mody only literary heritage?

文思枯竭。Literary thought is dried up.

我称之为文学的和视觉。I call the literary and visual.

这完全是文学上的夸夸其谈。It is literary gas and gaiters.

莎士比亚是一位大文豪。Shakespeare is a literary giant.

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他是我的文友之一。He is one of my literary friends.

拉丁文同样也是文学语言。Latin too was a literary language.

文书工作可以缓一缓。A printed or written literary work.

同人小说习惯是一种文学习惯。The fanfic habit isa literary habit.

他向文学杂志投稿。He contributed to a literary journal.

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他成了世界文学巨匠。He became a global literary celebrity.

所有的文学季刊他都看。He reads all the literary quarterlies.

文学著作和文艺批评。Literary works and literary criticism.

这部长篇小说为他赢得文学奖。The novel earned him a literary award.

他的文学遗著将被出版。His literary remains will be published.

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文学作品里,情圣多了去了,食神?In literary works, much to his lover, ?

文学之美不外是辞达而已。Literary beauty is only expressiveness.

对于文学理论,我们有一个真正的用途。We have a real use for literary theory.