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对于太阳系的探索和研究而言,月球就是一块罗塞塔石碑。The Moon is a Rosetta Stone for solar system exploration and science.

在马格德堡展出的罗塞塔石上通俗文字手稿的复制品。Demotic script on a replica of the rosetta stone on display in Magdeburg.

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罗塞塔团队决定给他们一个机会,看看他们是否真的能做到。The Rosetta team decided to give them a chance to see if they really could.

在最近接触过后的很短时间内,Rosetta就开始向地球传送数据用以进行处理。Shortly after closest approach, Rosetta began transmitting data to Earth for processing.

其中最著名的是赠品是罗赛塔之石头和埃尔金大理石雕。Amongst its more notable acquisitions were the Rosetta Stone and the infamous Elgin Marbles.

鲁特西亚是第二颗让罗塞塔使用全部设备进行考察的天体。Lutetia will be the second asteroid to receive the full attention of Rosetta and its instruments.

由于罗塞塔靠拢,一个巨大的碗型抑郁症的小行星在许多伸展旋转到视图。As Rosetta drew close, a giant bowl-shaped depression stretching across much of the asteroid rotated into view.

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络世达网的名字来源于络世达石,该石头是拿破仑军队的一名士兵1799年在埃及发现的。RosettaNet takes its name from the Rosetta stone, which a soldier in Napoleon's army discovered in Egypt in 1799.

洛塞河是尼罗河入海处的唯一支流,我站在河口的沙滩上看到唯一小镇,感到迷惑不解。Standing on a sandy beach at the mouth of the Rosetta branch of the Nile, I were puzzled by what seemed a ghost town.

因此,罗塞塔石碑韩国便宜,这是吸毒者必须选择最好的戒毒治疗中心。So, Cheap Rosetta Stone Korean, it is imperative that drug addicts select the best drug rehabilitation treatment center.

Rosetta上的设备记录了探测器访问目前为止所发现的最大小行星的第一次相会图像。The instruments aboard Rosetta recorded the first close-up image of the biggest asteroid so far visited by a spacecraft.

这也将有助于Rosetta的开发人员进一步开发软件并提供其预测的可靠性。This also will help the Rosetta developers community to further develop the software and the reliability of its predictions.

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追逐着这条狗,男孩被一块木头绊倒摔倒跌进了所谓的“人类进化的罗塞塔石碑。”Chasing after his dog, the boy tripped over a log and fell smack dab into what some call "the Rosetta stone of human evolution."

我们的Rosetta技术支持信息交流,提供无缝网络互操作性和数据链路控制。Our Rosetta Technology supported this exchange of information by providing seamless network interoperability and data link control.

欧洲太空总署的太空探测器“罗塞塔”的高分辨率图像传送数百万英里的一颗来自地球。The European Space Agency's deep space probe Rosetta transmitted high-resolution images of an asteroid millions of miles from Earth.

我们检查了一家名为罗塞塔石碑,它提供了计算机语言学习24种语言,包括中文服务。We checked with a company called Rosetta Stone, which offers computer language learning services in 24 languages, including Chinese.

这张照片让罗塞塔团队有机会根据真正的太空物体校准仪器,并保障一切工作无误。The images gave the Rosetta team a chance to calibrate its instruments on a real space object to make sure everything was in working order.

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据介绍“她”的研究学者宣称,“她”是“世界第八奇迹”,“我们的蒙娜丽莎”和进化的“罗塞达石”。She was the "eighth wonder of the world", "our Mona Lisa" and an evolutionary "Rosetta Stone", according to the researchers who unveiled her.

他们将观看鲁特西亚的近距离照片,与美国罗塞塔项目主管对话并参加一系列的教育活动。The students will view close-up images of Lutetia, talk to the U. S. Rosetta project manager and participate in educational activities. The U.

玫瑰石顾问公司的董事谢国忠说,目前中国的房价收入比居世界首位。China’s average housing prices have topped the world when compared to average incomes, Xie Guozhong, board member of Rosetta Stone Advisors said.