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开封瑞江轴承有限公司。Kaifeng Ruijiang Axletree Co. ltd.

如今,开封犹太人如履薄冰。Today, Kaifeng Jews tread with caution.

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我们中的一些人甚至知道开封犹太人。Some of us even know about Kaifeng Jews.

开封张,东南大学,中国。Kaifeng Zhang, Southeastern University, China.

演员们在清明上河园表演。Actors perform in Millennium City Park in Kaifeng.

这个就是“开封金鼎投资担保有限公司”地英文。Kaifeng Jin Ding Investment and Guarantee Co. Ltd.

北宋的开封是一个典型的濒水城市。Kaifeng of north Song was a typical adjacent water city.

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东方红900拖拉机河南开封补贴多少?。The East is red 900 tractors Henan Kaifeng allowance number?

王澄,一九四五年生,河南开封人。Wang Cheng was born in Kaifeng city, Henan province in 1945.

在开封西郊哪里有一家修拉锁的?In Kaifeng western suburbs, where has one repairing a zipper's?

开封、兴庆之间的影响是相互的,而开封对兴庆的影响则是重要的。Yet Kaifeng had played the main role in their mutual influences.

尽管如此,开封犹太人说他们并没有遭到歧视对待。Even so, Kaifeng Jews say they weren't singled out for discrimination.

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开封有许多十分棒的小吃,比如小笼包子、高卢烧饼。Kaifeng has many great snacks, such as steamed buns, sesame seed Gaul.

开封有许多非常棒的小吃,比如小笼包子、高卢烧饼。Kaifeng has many great snacks, such as steamed buns, sesame seed Gaul.

第六章是对开封市城市成长能力评价。The sixth chapter is the appraisal to the Kaifeng city growth ability.

第三章是对开封市空间增长现状进行研究。The third chapter is the present situation which Kaifeng space growth.

开封遛鸟所具有的古都民俗的代表性分析。With the ancient capital of Kaifeng Liuniao the representation of folk.

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经过时代洗礼,开封的玉皇阁展现给人们的却是一片荒芜,满是狼藉。Yuhuangge in Kaifeng was desolate and full of broken bricks and timber.

我的月经不调,在开封看了很多医生都不起作用。My irregular periods, in Kaifeng have seen a lot of doctors do not work.

第四章是对开封市空间增长机制进行分析。The fourth chapter is the analysis to the Kaifeng space growth mechanism.