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我瞧不起他。I despise him.

没有人看不起你。No one will despise you.

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至于你,我看不起你。As to you, I despise you.

他声称视财富为粪土。He claims to despise riches.

轻视妇女是错误的。It is incorrect to despise woman.

诚实的人蔑视谎言和撒谎者。Honest men despise lies and liars.

他们害怕并且鄙视男性化。They fear and despise the masculine.

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傻子轻视智慧和教育。Fools despise wisdom and instruction.

我在克格勃的老朋友们都很鄙视格勒乌。My old friends at KGB despise the GRU.

鄙视我的人那么多,你算老几?。Despise me so much, how senior are you?

但是愚蠢的人看不起智慧和准则。but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

我鄙视那些虐待动物的人。I despise anyone who is cruel to animals.

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盖少女们瞧不起我无钱无势。Cover girls despise me no money, no power.

城镇居民轻视和诈骗游牧民。The townsmen despise and cheat the nomads.

你的伴侣有什么不喜欢做的杂务吗?Does your spouse have a chore they despise?

夫必自侮而后人侮之。A man must despise himself before others will.

眼儿瞧不起,心儿却欢喜。But 'tis my heart that loves what they despise.

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当然,看看帕迪吧——一个贪喝茶的老乞丐,就配捡烟头,他们多数人就是那样,我瞧不起他们。That’s the way most of them go. I despise them.

那么为什么白种人会轻视黄种人呢?Then why does the white man despise the yellow?

但我鄙视那些离不开这些东西的人。But I despise people who depend on these things.